Every year this sneaks up on me! Bobby actually had to remind me this time. This week marks ELEVEN YEARS that I have been on this blogging journey. (If you go to the right sidebar and search “blogiversary” you can find my yearly posts!)

When I think about how different my life would look without blogging it truly amazes me. It is so intertwined into my day and life that I really don’t know what I would be doing without it! I have had so many amazing opportunities. I have gone through ebbs and flows. I have blogged 7 days a week and twice a month. I have been super active on Twitter and then jump to Instagram. It is ever evolving, and that’s what I love about it.

I am so thankful that God has blessed my efforts and we have been able to go on trips, get to meet wonderful people, try fun products, and pay some bills. It’s not perfect, I’m not a millionaire (by far!) but I have put my heart and soul into Through Heather’s Looking Glass, and and am proud.

I am also thankful. I love hearing from those of you that have been around since the Running With Sass days. I love that Emma Kate gets to “grow up” with all of you. I love sharing my life, my struggles, my triumphs, and my failures. I love encouraging you, praying for you, and helping you in tiny little ways here and there. I truly hope you have found some sort of blessing or encouragement or helpful info from me over the years. I strive to be honest, real, and fair. I don’t always get it right, but I promise I am trying.

I hope that this next year is just as great, and I can’t wait to see what is in store for me and my blog! Cheers to another year, another post, another blessing. Thank you so much for sticking with me. You are awesome, and the reason I do what I do. Love yall!

Related: 10 year blogiversary

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