Back when I was a newlywed, I remember hearing about people who had been married for over ten years, and I thought “man, that’s a long time!” Here we are, 12 years in, and it’s been the blink of an eye. As I went through my wedding photos again to decide what to put in this post, I was reminded that 1.) I am definitely aging (ha) and 2.) I would do it all over again.

Adulting is hard, and 2018 was definitely the most tough year we have had together as a married couple, but here we are still standing. It hasn’t always been easy by any means, but as we strive to set a good and healthy example of a marriage for our daughter, we hope to encourage others who may feel like it’s too overwhelming. We took our vows very seriously on January 6, 2007, and they still hold true today.

I will admit, when you are 21 years old and saying “for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, till death do us part,” you aren’t THINKING about the bad times that may actually come and how you will respond. I haven’t always responded in the right way, but thankfully I have a husband who gives me grace every day and helps me learn and grow. We may be in a crazy season of life right now, but we are in it together.

While I definitely hope this next year brings about some hopeful and happy things for us, I know that even if it doesn’t, we can get through it because at least we have each other.

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