This past weekend, Bobby and I celebrated our 16 year wedding anniversary. We have been married the age of someone who can drive a car! I remember being a newlywed and thinking TEN years would be such a huge milestone, and here we are, way past that. While time is going by way faster than I would like, I am so glad I have Bobby by my side.
Best marriage advice? Well, there is a lot, but here are a couple of off the cuff things:
Communicate. Don’t harbor anger or resentment, but be careful how you phrase things as to not sound accusatory.
Go on dates. Remember why you fell in love in the first place. In our house, our marriage comes first, THEN kids/family/etc. We want Emma Kate to grow up understanding that while we love her SO much, mommy and daddy need time alone, and that it’s normal and healthy. She’s 8 and understands already.
Pray. a lot. I make a lot of mistakes, I speak before I think, and I can be irrational (no comment, Bobby!) But with a lot of prayer, I have gotten better about these things, and remembering to pray first when I feel overwhelmed so I don’t say something I will later regret.
Encourage each other. Bobby is great at making sure I have time and space to do what I want to do, and cheers me on along the way. He works hard to make things possible for our family, and he is always asking me how things are going and telling me good job. It means a lot to know he has my back!
Don’t expect perfection. I struggle with this one as I have a “high bar” for people in my life. I try to step back and remember we are both human and WILL make mistakes. It’s not a maybe, yall, it’s GOING to happen! Leave room for grace and forgiveness, treat your spouse how you want to be treated!
That’s all I’ve got, but always happy to chat more if you ever need advice or encouragement. on to number 17 yall!
Related: 8 year anniversary post

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