Afternoon all! I am feeling alive!!! We just ran 14 miles and I made some chili for lunch. It is a BEAUTIFUL day but started to get hot on the last four miles. Going into this run, we just wanted to cover the distance at an easy pace since we ran a half marathon a week ago today and have another on two weeks. We got a late start, and had to drop off something to a friend first, but we finally got going about 9:00. The first four miles flew by, I was enjoying the run, and then, my knee started hurting just a LITTLE bit. Now, if you have been following along, you know I had no knee pain during my half marathon, but after, it hurt so bad and I could barely walk for two days. It stayed pretty stiff all week but didnβt hurt on my 3 or 4 milers this week.
It wasnβt a bad pain so I kept going just at a slow pace, until we went down a hill. Crap! It hurt a lot more going down hill, so I started taking them slow and walking down some of them. I was mad because I was feeling GREAT otherwise. We kept on trucking and stopped at the car between eight and nine to get more gu, gatorade, and refill my water bottle. We took off again and Bobby was starting to hurt with 4 miles left. I was feeling good and wanted to go faster but being the nice wife I am I stopped and walked with him a good bit.
On the final two, I wanted to be done, it was getting hot, and Bobby was having a hard time so he gave me the car keys and told me to go ahead. OK! I picked up the pace and kept going, and he stayed close. I laughed because when we hit mile 13.1 we had beat our first half marathon race time in WDW! It made me feel good because we were NOT trying today so there is physical proof we are getting faster. Yay! We finished up the last mile and drove home feeling very accomplished. That is the furthest we have ever gone. Woot. I wore my compression socks and I felt great during the run so I guess they are helping? I finished feeling strong and I feel great right now! (I am sure I will be stiff later!)
Last night, our Sunday School class tailgated at the local high school football game. it doubled as a going away party for Bobby and me. The weather was perfect and we had a great time!
Ready to go tailgate!
Yes I am wearing my hair down and yes that is rare!
Look what our sweet Sunday School teachers had made for us. They were chocolate and tasted as good as they looked. trust me! They know us all too well, donβt they?
Me and Leslie. She has been in my small group Bible study for YEARS. Going to miss her!
We had a lot of fun but it was over way too soon. Going to miss these guys. We have been in a class with most of them for 3.5 years. Super great folks!
Race photos are in from my half marathon, I will post some tomorrow, but now, time to ice my knee and watch some football! Have a great Saturday everyone!
QOTD: Have you ever had a knee injury? What did you do? Any idea what mine is? (outside of my right knee)

Those cupcakes are so cute!!
My knees started hurting at the end of my last half marathon. I got a new pair of shoes so I could rotate with the other pair I had. It seemed to help some!
its weird, I ahve never had knee problems before an dit’s just my right knee, and my shoes are 2 months old. hhmm..
I just ran a 10k and now my knee is killing me again. My boyfriend thinks it might be IT band related. I ran cross country all through high school with no problems. Grr..
does it hurt more to run downhill? Do you pronate when you run?
ice, elevate, rest, and foam roll on that side, it hurts but it will help!!! good luck!
Thanks! I’m planning on getting a foam roller tomorrow. It doesn’t really change as far as running down hill but the course was uneven today! I’ve been icing (well using a bag of frozen veggies…) tonight!
hey that works! Most important thing, just listen to your body, don’t keep running if it hurts as hard as that is to do lol!
Great job! Down hill and I have a love hate relationship. Looks like you guys have some great friends!
we do, they are great, I am blessed!
Oh no! Ask the chiro to look at your knee. It could be a million things. I got knee pain that wasn’t too bad a few weeks before my first half. It got progressively worse but I ran my half anyway bc I was in denial. I ended up not being able to walk for a month, and no running for two more months bc I had a torn meniscus. Definitely rest and ice.
And those cupcakes are precious!
I remember you talking about that. fabulous. I will have him look at it on Tuesday. it didnt hurt at ALL on my 3 or 4 mile runs this week though. weird.
Great job on 14 miles! So sorry about your knee! Hope it gets better soon!
Moving away is exciting…the bad thing about moving away is leaving people behind. That just means y’all will have to go visit sometimes! :0)
and we will be back and forth plenty until january, so i wasn’t too sad last night!
Looks like you guys had a fun time!
we sure did!
It looks like you have a great bunch of friends! I know it will be hard to leave, but your move is going to be so exciting. π
I know! I am ready for it. It’s like getting to start over!
I second Jen’s advice to talk to the chiro. It’s amazing what they can do. My chiro saved me a few weeks ago when I dealt with some foot pain.
Congrats on completing 14 miles! One of the most exciting things about training for my first marathon was setting new distances records all the time! Long run accomplishment is the best!
yes I do feel accomplished! I think its my IT band, I have been foam rolling like crazy. I am going to talk to my chiro on Tuesday when I go though!
Aww, adorable cupcakes! SO you. π
Wish I could help with the knee issue! The only time I ever had knee problems was when I ran in Nikes. Learned my lesson and I’m an Asics gal for life! I recently bought a pair of Brooks Ghost 3’s, and the backs of my heels ended up bleeding (blisters) every time I ran! Needless to say, back to Asics. For life. π Good luck with your knee – take it easy!
By the way, what kind of compression socks do you use? I’m training for the Philadelphia Half in November, and need all the help I can get!
I wear ascis, too! I think its my IT band. I ahve been foam rolling and icing!
I got mine from running their compression socks are on sale for the month of october (and they are super cute!) some places sell them for like 50 bucks but these are on sale for 26!
Great job on the 14 miles! Pain of any sort sucks…I feel your pain, literally, my knee was bugging me on a 6 miler this week. It better not act up on my 12 miles tomorrow…or else!
Oh, and those cupcakes are adorable!
good luck on your run and I hope your knee is fine!
Awesome job on the 14 miles. Sorry about your knee pain. That is no fun at all! I know how it feels to move away from people you have been around for years. That is what I had to do when I moved from college back home! Not fun at all!
thanks! hopefully I can still run the jazz half well!
I left home when I was 18 for college 3 hours away and have been gone since, so it will be weird to be closer to all those people again, but, at the same time I am excited, and I know we will be back up here a lot!