Happy Tuesday friends, and happy August! I saw this fun 25 random facts post on Tina’s blog and thought it would be fun to play along for some of my newer readers that may not know me as well. Feel free to do the survey yourself!
1. Do you make your bed? When company is coming over, yes. Otherwise..er…next question!
2. The first car that was officially yours? Officially mine meaning I paid for it or just “mine” because it was a gift? My first car my parents bought me. It was a new VW lime green new beetle named Lucy. I loved that car and drove it until I graduated college, when I got my 4Runner.
3. Three grocery items you don’t run out of? Milk (because Emma Kate would mutiny), cheese (because I would mutiny), and eggs (because Bobby would mutiny).
4. When did you start doing your own laundry? My senior year of high school my mom started making me do mine since I had to know how to for college.
5. If you could, would you go to high school again? No way. College? Heck yes!
6. Can you parallel park in under three moves? Yup!
7. A job you had which people would be shocked to know about? I don’t know about shocked, but I worked at Best Buy in college in the home theater department. I knew a lot about TV’s back then.
8. Do you think aliens are real? Nah.
9. Can you drive a stick shift? No. Never cared to learn.
10. Guilty TV pleasure? Oh so many. Game of Thrones, Outdaughtered, Counting On.
11 . Would you rather be too hot or too cold? Too hot. Cold is just PAINFUL.
12. If the world ends do you want to be one of the survivors? No way. Take me, Jesus!
13. Sweet or salty? To eat, or my personality? Heh. I love to eat sweets.
14. Do you enjoy soaking in a nice bath? Yes. But I rarely do it because it involves too much work and tub cleaning.
15. Do you consider yourself strong? In both senses yes.
16. Something people do, physically, that drives you crazy? How much time do you have? HA! I get super annoyed by people and I really need to work on it. In general rude people drive me crazy. Not opening doors for people, not saying thank you, little things like that.
17. Something you do, physically, that you are sure drives people insane? I say “like” a lot.
18. Do you have any birth marks? Yup I have a large spot on my upper left thigh that is a darker color than the rest of my skin.
19. Favorite childhood game? That’s tough. I played lots of board games but also liked yard games like freeze tag.
20. Do you talk to yourself? Sometimes. I talk to Bella a good bit.
21. Do you like doing jig-saw puzzles? Pre child, yes (back when free time was something I actually had a lot of).
22. Would you go on a reality show? It depends on the topic. Sometimes they portray people in ways I don’t think are fair to the person, so I would be leery of that.
23. Tea or coffee? Is the tea sweet? If not then iced coffee.
24. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up? A teacher. Which I was for a few years! I also wanted to be a ballet dancer and thankfully that dream died. I can’t even touch my toes.
25. No matter how much money you have or don’t have, what are you an absolute snob about? Vacation. I would rather save up for longer and stay somewhere nicer as opposed to going RIGHT NOW and being in a dump.
That was fun! Your turn. For the QOTD, answer one (or more) of these questions in the comments.
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