Good morning! It is quite the good morning indeed! Why you ask? Oh, well, because I have had a great beach vaca, and well…you know….today is my 26th birthday. WOW! I can honestly say this year has flown. When I think back to last years birthday I am kinda sad….I can say that it was the worst birthday (actual day) that I have ever had…long story, personal stuff, can’t share with you right now, maybe one day. ANYWAY, it was rough, miserable, etc. The only bright spot was my sweet sweet bible study group which I miss TERRIBLY taking me out to dinner.
So, thinking back to that awful day, and then thinking about how much I miss my friends back where we used to live….gah…ok, moving on, supposed to be HAPPY, it’s my BIRTHDAY! I entered the world Saturday, July 13, 1985, shortly before 1:00 pm. Gee, what a fun little bundle of joy! (apparently, I was very dark with a full head of black hair…and my dad didn’t think I belonged to him….seriously…)
Let’s do a little birthday flashback, shall we? No making fun, mmmkkk?
My birthday 2010
my birthday 2009
(Bella is yawning, looks like she is ssssiinnngggiinnnggg!)
My birthday 2008
look how tiny stinky is!
My birthday 2007
Clearly, I can’t decide if I want long or short hair? back to long this year I’m afraid! (pictures tomorrow)
As I embark on my 26th year, I have a lot of things I want to accomplish, and I look back on a lot of things I DID accomplish in year 25. Moved 3 hours away from where we were living. Added a new job. Built a house. Ran a marathon. wow, and that’s just a few things I did in year 25!
It’s pretty obvious I have a LOT to do this year if I can ever match all I did in my 25th year. I haven’t had time to really think out my goals for this year, but I will, don’t worry! So, as I head down the other side of the twenties hill (YIKES!) I say cheers to 26, and many, many more.
Don’t worry, I made a good wish. But I’m not telling.

Happy Birthday!
Yay! Happy birthday! I hope year 26 kicks 25’s booty 🙂
Happy birthday young lady! Have a wonderful time on this special day. Wishing a wonderfull year ahead.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! It is a great day for a birthday 🙂
Hoping you have a fantastic birthday!
Happy Birthday! I love all the milestone pics and how you have a cake every year! I am sure 26 is going to be an awesome year for you!
Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you have a great day!!
Happy Happy Birthday!!
Haaaappy birthday!!! I hope this year’s birthday is a million times better than the last! I’m so sorry about the previous year… sounds like it really must have been awful. 🙁
On a happier note, cute pink striped shirt! I’m all about the stripes. 😉
A very happy birthday to you my friend!! Hope it’s a fabulous year! :0)
Happy Birthday! I found your blog when I Googled Castaway Cay 5k and when I saw your picture I recognized you from your trip reports on the disboards. I am a fairly new runner and am looking forward to my first half in September. Looking forward to reading your blog.
Yayyyyy HAPPY BIRTHDAY, girlfriend!! I hope your day is kicking last year’s birthday-day’s ASS!
Not to burst your bubble, but you just completed your 26th year. You’re into your 27th year now. You should have a big running party when you hit 26.2! Happy birthday.
Happy Birthday!!! I hope your day was so much better then last years! It’s great to look back and think of the year and realize it was well spent:) I hope this next year is even better!
happy happy birthday, heather!! 🙂 hope you have a fabulous day!
Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day!