Today, Friday July 13th, I celebrate another year of life. If I wear superstitious, I would be avoiding creepy cats and ladders today. Well, maybe I will anyway just to be safe. Each of my years have been vastly different from the others, growing a little older, and a little wiser (I hope!). Not all life experiences are fun, but I truly believe they each have a purpose in making me a stronger person. Experience really is the best teacher, and as I turn 27, I look back on all I have learned this past year. Saddle up, we are goin’ for a ride!
I learned that you should never take a strangers word on if a hotel is “nice” or not.
I learned that blogging conferences are so. much. fun.
I learned that running a half marathon tired and undertrained, in the rain, is very hard.
I learned that raising money and racing for charity is an awesome thing to do
I learned that you should listen to your body and be you own advocate
I learned that getting a stress fracture will really try your patience and determination
I learned what the inside of an ER looks like
I learned that being married to my soul mate for 5 years is a wonderful thing.
I learned that 6 girls in one van running 126.2 miles in 24 hours is a lot of fun, but a lot of hard work.
I learned that running in a tutu makes racing SO much more fun.
I learned that race volunteering can be almost as fun as participating
I learned that food poisoning is the ultimate torture method and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone
I learned that encouraging and motivating others to be healthy is truly one of my passions.
It has been quite the year, with a lot of ups and downs. I feel as if some really good things are on the horizon for me and my family, and I can’t quite share with you yet, but hopefully soon (I say that a lot don’t I?) I try and remind myself we were never promised an EASY life, just that God would be with us every step of the way. I am trying to take a new approach on adversity as I turn 27. Instead of groaning about it, I am going to try and figure out what I can learn from it, and how it can make me a better person. It’s definitely not always easy but I know it will be worth it. So as I blow out the candles tonight and make a wish, I will be thinking about experience. Although not happy to be another year older, I am thrilled to be another year wiser. I know I have a long way to go, but I am growing every day, towards number 28.
QOTD: What is your favorite part about birthdays? cake? family? wisdom?

Happy Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day! I always look forward to a nice dinner with Justin for my birthday. We always splurge at nice restaurants for our b-days.
Happy Birthday! I hope you have an amazing day, I love the pics with this blog and all that you’ve learned :).
Hey friend! You’ve had a great year! Hope 27 is even better! Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday! Hope this year is even better for you!!
Happy Birthday, Heather! Hope it’s fantastic. I fave part of birthdays is definitely looking back and realizing everything I’ve accomplished.
Happy birthday! I wish for you another year of amazing lessons & experiences 😉
My BRF has a shirt that is great for bdays that says (front) “run long” and (back) “& eat more cake”!
Happy happy HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPY birthday to you my sweet friend! I am so thankful that I am getting to know you even more this year, and that I’ve had the pleasure of working with you! You are such a delight! I hope you have a MAGICAL birthday and a wonderful WEEKEND full of celebration! xo
Happy Birthday!!!!
I love everything about birthdays!
Happy Birthday! Here’s to another awesome year!
Happy Birthday July baby! Mine is next week so I’m feeling quite reflective as well! Here’s to another year of amazingness! 😉
Best part about birthdays – getting the love from those you care about most!
Happy, happy birthday friend! I hope 27 is your best year yet 🙂
The best thing about birthdays is obviously the cake!
Happy happy 27th!!!! enjoy it (as I know you will)
Happy Birthday! I love everything about birthdays! Well, except the growing older part, which isn’t really all that bad, but enough already!
Enjoy your day, eat some cake, and let everyone take care of you 🙂
Happy Happy Birthday. I loved reading this post of lessons learned.
Happy Birthday! What a fantastic post, you really have learned a lot! I hope that the next year is just as wonderful! My favorite part about birthdays is being with my family.
Happy Birthday Heather!!! I hope it’s fabulous!!! I love everything about birthdays!!!
Happy, happy birthday!!! LOVE the hotel lesson- I’ve been there 😉 Can’t wait to see what the next year brings you 🙂
Happy Birthday, Heather! Have a great day celebrating all the amazing things you’ve accomplished this year!!!
Happy Birthday. I’m proud of you.
Happy Birthday!! Enjoy year 27!!
Happy Birthday!!
from a fellow SPA, and sassy girl. xo
Happy Happy Birthday.. hope you have a wonderful fun celebration.
great lessons and happy birthday!!!
Happy birthday, Heather! I love this creative take on a birthday post. You had a busy year! I’m hoping to volunteer and a race soon, too.. and someday want to do a relay. I’ll do my best to avoid the food poisoning, yuck.
Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 27 was my FAVORITE age! What a great age…it was the year I got married, and finally felt the respect of being a “grown up” all while still having the same fun.
I hope your day is amazing!
Happy, happy birthday!! Hope your birthday is very special!
Happy Birthday! Loved your year recap!
Happy Birthday! Always an inspiration to me.
Wishing you the happiest of birthdays!
Happy Happy Birthday! I hope that you have wonderful day and an amazing year! Being born on New Years I love everything about birthdays!!
Happy birthday. I’m also 27 and I’ve had a great year so far. I hope you enjoy 27 as well as get to do some things you always wanted to do
happy birthday!!! it definitely sounds like you’ve packed a lot into the last year. have a fantastic day and an even better 27th year!