Well folks I did it! Four days, four races and 48.6 miles later I have 6 new medals and very sore legs. Thanks for all the encouragement you all showed me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Your virtual cheers helped! We are enjoying one last day in Disney today then we head home tomorrow!
Here are a couple pictures from today:
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QOTD: who wants to tackle Dopey?!

To be honest I’m terrified of trying to finish my first 13.1 in February, so the thought of running 48.6 is beyond me right now. But, a year ago I wouldn’t have dreamed of 6 miles let alone 13.1. So, I won’t say never, just not anytime soon. Congrats! I’m envious of how you never even look tired. Love the costumes.
All that matters is you finish!Don’t worry about your time or what place you get. You’ll do great!
thank you I had a blast! I never thought it was something I would do!
I’ve been following you on facebook and have loved all the pictures! I definitely want to do this race next year!
Thanks for following along!
Congrats! I would love to do it. It’s one of my bucket list races.
You should totally do it
My husband and I are doing Dopey next year to celebrate our 40th birthdays! We are so excited!
You will have so much fun
GREAT JOB HEATHER!! I shrieked at you when you ran past the Grand Floridian yesterday — you looked amazing!! CONGRATS!!
so sorry i didn’t see you!
So proud of you, friend! I knew you could do it!! Enjoy the rest of your time at Disney! :0) See you soon!
Thank you!
Congrats Heather (and Bobby too)! Do you have any other races planned between now and PHM? I hope you get some good resting in!
Tink 🙂
So proud of you girlie!
Congratulations! Quite the accomplishment!
thanks! 🙂
Good Job Heather! You have me so excited for the Princess Half next month. Thank you for sharing your magical experience with us.
I can’t wait for princess!
Amazing! Congratulations!
SOOOO amazing! I’m so proud of you!
Congrats Heather!! Had fun cheering for you via twitter!!
Thanks for the virtual cheering!
Congratulations, Heather!
thank youuuuu!
Congratulations! Finishing the Dopey Challenge is an incredible feat. I would like to give it a go someday.
you should!
CONGRATULATIONS! Dopey was my first full…could not have asked for a more incredible experience! Can’t wait to read all about your races! 🙂
wow first full for dopey is awesome!