Kids are some of the most challenging people to entertain, mainly because of their short attention span. Some days you’ll be able to set them up with a few activities to capture their attention, but on other days it might be difficult. It is on those other days that you’ll have to find a safe and creative way to engage them while keeping your eye on them. One way to do that is to involve them in your workout routine as there are many safe exercises for children to do. Although something like calisthenics seems unsafe and impossible for kids, you’ll be surprised to know that the five exercises listed here are all basic forms of calisthenics as they make use of body weight to build muscle.
1. Squats

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Children already love to squat, and you are more likely to find them in those positions anyway, especially when they are playing. You can use it as a competition to see who can do the most or even the deepest squats in a session. Find out the best ways to squat, teach them, and let the fun begin.
2. Star Jumps
You’ll be amazed at how much your babies will love doing this! It involves standing tall and then jumping explosively with your arms and legs out like to form an ‘X.’ The jumping part is enough to keep the children hooked on that activity. A fun twist is to ask them to shout ‘I’m a Star!’ whenever they jump. See who can jump the most times in 30 seconds!
3. Crab Walks
Another fun way to exercise with your kids is to perform exercises like how animals behave. You can use it as a fun way to teach them about that animal while getting some workout out of it. This exercise involves squatting with your feet apart and flat on the ground. Then place your hands behind your legs on the ground, raise your hips, and take a few steps forward and backward. Watch how they fall over themselves in laughter beside you.
4. Push-ups

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This work out is another one you can use as a fun challenge with your kids. Get into a position with your elbows and chest towards the ground and push up. You can also use this workout to count with your kids. You can let them rest on their knees while you’re on your toes so that they don’t get too exhausted. As an extra challenge, you can make your kids lie on your back to act as a weight. They’ll enjoy the ride, and you’ll feel the benefits in your muscle.
5. Sit-Ups
This is another classic workout you can involve your kids in. With this one, your kids can just be complementary and not necessarily perform the exercise. While you’re in the sitting position with your knees bent, you can ask them to hold your feet while you strengthen your core.
Aside from the physical benefits that your kids might get from the exercise, it serves as an excellent bonding time for you two. Always ensure that your kids are safe while exercising – check that their form is good to avoid muscle pulls or other unforeseen accidents. Additionally, start small and with the basics to allow them room to grow and develop. Other basic exercises such as yoga, dance and gymnastics are also a form of conscious calisthenics as it strengthens the mind-body link and can definitely lead to bigger and greater levels of fitness if they stick with it.