Happy Friday! Today is a very happy Friday indeed. We have lots of stuff going on this weekend, but it’s going to be a lot of fun. Let’s dive right in to 5 things Friday:
1.) My parents are coming in town tomorrow because…Saturday is Emma Kate’s first birthday party! Oh. my. gosh. This year yall, it’s just flown by. How do I have an almost one year old? I can’t even. but whether I like it or not, it’s coming, as are a lot of people to our house tomorrow! My guest bedroom has been the “staging area” for the past few weeks and I am hoping to get everything set up today while EK is at daycare. I will be glad to have this room back to normal and not looking like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse threw up in it.
2.) KT tape is hosting a photo challenge through September 21st at 11:59 PM PST. All you have to do is use a sharpie to write a motivational saying or doodle on your tape, post it on Instagram and hashtag #KTtape and #MYkttape to win some tape of your own! I sported my “finish strong” tape on my run on Wednesday.
3.) Now that EK is almost walking, we have a lot more fun at the park than we used to. We met a friend and her daughter there yesterday and the girls had so much fun! I see a lot more park visits in our future. I also got to run 5 miles with another friend and I pushed EK in her stroller. Man my calves were burning! Oh, we also took the babies to Orange Leaf. Emma Kate was not prepared for how cold the froyo was going to be.
4.) I am playing in my churches’ kickball league, and my life group (Sunday school class) has it’s own team. We are having a BLAST! We played a group of high schoolers on Monday night who called us OLD TIMERS! Oh, we ended up beating them. Ah, sweet victory! I have been bringing Builder’s bars to the games as a team snack and everyone loves them.
5.) We still have some hot days ahead of us (in the mid 90’s tomorrow for the party OF COURSE) but it is slowly starting to cool off in a general sense. I busted out my pumpkin Yankee Candle and bought a couple pumpkins for the front door. That plus football has me so excited for fall. Now, if Kroger would just get it’s act together and put out some pumpkin spice coffee creamer I would be a happy girl. Speaking of pumpkin spice, I just got some Advocare meal replacement shakes, they are SO GOOD! You can order some of your own HERE. Tastes like fall!
QOTD: Do you like pumpkin spice coffee creamer? Do you use KT tape? any exciting weekend plans?

Happy Birthday Emma Kate! Hope you all have a great time celebrating this weekend!
How is Emma Kate turning a year already? Man, this year has flown!
Awww I can’t believe EK is already a year old!!!! And I LOVE her pigtails!!! So cute! We have fun things planned this weekend too…date night with another couple tonight, my niece’s 2nd birthday party tomorrow, football, and homemade pizza night with friends! It’s going to be fun!!!
Show those young’uns how it’s done! “Old-timers” is throwing down the gauntlet. I don’t care that I’m 30 and get hurt doing simple things. That demands a victory response.