Happy Friday! This week has thrown me for a loop. All day yesterday I thought it was Wednesday. Thankfully, I was wrong on that one. This week we have had a lot of rain/severe weather, high winds, and crazy humidity. I’m ready for some sunshine. I need to start remembering to reapply sunscreen because my freckles are coming out like woah. Anyway, here’s what is going on in my brain this Friday (scary thought, I know).
1.) Instagram Craziness: Ever since Instagram announced they were going to put “more important to you” posts first, everyone started losing their minds. For some reason it got around that this was to happen this past week, so my feed was filled with people begging followers to turn on their notifications to make sure they saw all their posts. For those that don’t know, all this does is send you a push notification every. single. time,. that person posts. Aint nobody got time for that! Just don’t post those things. Seriously. This article was spot on/hilarious.
2.) Racin’ For the Seed: Tomorrow I will be running my first 5k since December! It’s also a duathlon that Bobby participated in last year that benefits our local Christian community center for adults with developmental disabilities. The center is called the Mustard Seed, hence “Racin’ for the Seed”. We had a great time last year, and this time Bobby is sitting out so I can race. I hope Frank the camel is back!
3.) Did I do that? Wednesday was a weird day for me. I actually walked around for several hours wearing two different shoes. You may have spotted my post on social media that evening, I cannot believe I did that. I have always laughed at other people doing it, but never thought it would be me. Mom brain is real, folks.
4.) Crock Pot fun: In an effort to make my life easier and not have to cook every night, I started using my crock pot again (or slow cooker as some of you may call it). This way I can make twice as much food with little prep. Wednesday night I threw in four chicken breasts, some taco seasoning mix, a cup of salsa and a can of beans. Cooked on low for four hours, shred chicken, and walah, we have food for two days. Happy wife, happy life.
5.) Pigtail baby: What is it about pigtails that make little girls look so darn mischievous? My little bug looks adorable in them but I think she gets into more trouble on days when I put her hair like that. It is quite the wrestling match to do her hair though. I try to do it in the morning when I am changing her diaper otherwise she will not be still for me. Any tips?
QOTD: Are you racing this weekend? Tips for doing crazy hyper girl toddler hair? Best crock pot recipe?

Have so much fun at the 5K! I hope Frank the Camel is back, too!! 🙂
I am racing along the boardwalkk/oceanfront this weekend!
I have not heard about those changes to IG but really I am not social media savvy at all so I really don’t even understand what is going on with notifications and stuff! Have a great time at the 5k this weekend!
Hope you guys see Frank the Camel again. I wonder how EK will react to him this year.
I saw those Instagram posts but I’m not going to select the notify me option. I’m glad I didn’t since I didn’t know what would happen and I don’t want all the notifications.
Have fun at the 5K! And I LOVE EK’s pigtails! So adorable! I really need to use my crockpot more often. What an easy meal you made! I’m going to have to try that! I already have my Instagram notifications turned off because they go off so much…no way would I want it to notify me of ALL the posts!
The pigtails! My 2-year old is a squirmer, but as long as I give her something to look at or hold (a book, my hair brush, cartoons) she’ll sit. Sometimes I give her a little snack too while I do her hair.