It’s so common to feel self-conscious at the gym. Most people do at some point or another, but it’s especially common for those who are just starting out. There are plenty of people who head to the gym every day, but people (especially women) can feel overwhelmed and watched in certain areas of the gym. It’s a place we all go with the same goals in mind: fitness and health, and yet it’s a place that some feel incredibly confident and where others feel as if the world is imploding a little!
You want to avoid feeling embarrassed when you don your pink shimmer leggings for the first time. You want to feel confident, as if you can get through your fitness routine and know that you are going to hit your goals perfectly. If you don’t feel confident on the gym floor, you need to start somewhere. Below, I’ve put together five ways that you can feel more confident on the gym floor and finally feel as if the gym is where you belong!

Image source: Pexels
- Remember that you’re not alone. Every other person in the gym is probably just as self-conscious and worried about what they look like, and none of them need to be! Everyone is starting in the same place and even though there are buff people in the gym with more than one ab, you may note that they started out as unfit as you might be! If you remember that everyone had to start somewhere, it can be a comfort to know that you are starting in the exact same place that they are, too.
- You can grow your confidence in the gym. It’s often the biggest challenge to get through the door, but if you’ve got the workout gear that makes you feel confident, you’re going to walk through the door and be able to own it entirely! You only need to take that first step to start feeling confident about going to the gym, so why not take it now and feel good about it?
- Put yourself into your music. One of the best ways to get rid of the gym nerves is to get lost in your headphones. Put them on and tune it all out. If you listen to your favorite tracks while you’re on the gym floor, you’re going to be able to solely focus on you and your workout. You won’t be worrying about whether anyone is looking at you (they’re not!) and you won’t be wondering if you look ridiculous (you don’t!).
- Go to classes. If the weight room and the cardio machines are intimidating to you, why not head to a gym class first? You can boost your confidence with these, and they are fun, sociable activities that will give you the chance to meet new people and find a class that’s tailored to your level of experience.
- Just breathe. Take a moment to consider that the rest of the world isn’t worrying about whether you squat right – this is your chance to take control of your health. Breathe slowly, and go for it!