Nine years ago, I started a blog. I had never done anything like this before, but my friend had just started one and convinced me to do it. I had just gotten into distance running and was training for my first half marathon. I had a theory, that if I blogged about my training, it would be a great way to hold me accountable. If I said I was running 4 times that week, I had to do it, becauseĀ you know, my four readers were counting on me. (heh.)
Fast forward a few years and I rebranded from Running with Sass to Through Heather’s Looking Glass.Ā nine years, and wow. Just…wow. Not only did I not have any idea I would still even BE blogging right now, but I had no idea it would change the entire course of my life. I now help support my family because of my blog. I have made lifelong friends, gotten to go to amazing places, run awesome races, and try fun products. I literally cannot picture my life without it, and it’s funny to think about how different things would be now if I had never taken that leap all those years ago.
If you search the word “blogiversay” on my blog, you can check out several other posts over the years on the topic, so I don’t really feel the need to rehash everything, so I just want to say this:
Life is complicated. Things almost never turn out the way we plan, and we all go through valleys and mountaintops. I have loved sharing mine with you, and hope to get to continue to do so in the future. I hope that in some small way, my blog has touched your life. Whether it be something as simple as a good laugh at my expense, or perhaps something more profound like motivation to become a runner or to start a business of your own. While my blog is for me, it’s also for you. A way for me to give back, to help, and to hopefully inspire.
I pray that I can be a little bit of a light in this sometimes sad and crazy world, and please know I am always here to be your cheerleader, and I love hearing from you.
Next year is the big 1-0, and I know it’s going to be epic. <3
If you DO want to start your own blog, check out my free email course that will get you started. STOP waiting. In 9 years, this could be you looking back over all your years. Let’s do this!

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