Have you ever had one of those blah days where it wasn’t just one big thing that was stressing you out, but instead lots of little things? But you don’t want to tell anyone because when you mention all those “little things” you don’t want to sound like you are complaining? Yeah, I had one of those days very recently. Nothing seemed to go right, and I couldn’t shake the blah feelings.

I woke up and it was gloomy. I am fairly sure I have SAD because I get well, sad on overcast days. No worries, power through. Minor inconvenience. But then my aunt Flo came to visit if you know what I mean ladies… and that really put a damper on things physically and emotionally. I cried for no reason, so I decided to go have my devotion outside where I was attacked by flies. Annoyed, I came in having NOT read my Bible, and was going to go walk to have some peace and calm down, and it started raining. This caused me to not “close my rings” on my Apple watch which really irritated me because I had a month-long streak going (well, 4 days shy of a month now.)
I also brought Emma Kate to her first day of summer camp that morning, and I missed her and felt guilty for working and sending her. She kept telling me how nervous she was and she was very shy when I left. Of course, that made me feel so bad. Then I was having trouble with Facebook ads and dealt with someone on the chat for over an hour which stressed me out. Then my Bath and Body Works order of soaps that were arriving that day wasn’t delivered by FedEx because it was damaged. I am so Fed UP with Fed Ex lately that it just made me seethe. (They messed up another order last week and it was delivered way late.)
So of course, any one of these things on a given day isn’t a big deal, but this was all. In. One. Day. All before 2:00 if I might add. As women (and well as humans) we need to give grace and remember that a lot of little things (heck one little thing!) is no less significant than someone else’s “big” trial and honestly, we shouldn’t be comparing anyway. I shouldn’t be afraid to share or talk about my day for fear of being judged, right?

Later that afternoon I went back to my Bible and prayed for peace and perspective. Did my problems magically go away? No, they didn’t, but I felt better and more at peace. I think it’s all in how you look at a problem or trial. Do you look at it as something “happening to you” or as God ELEVATING you to a position to be tested and tried because he has more and better and bigger things planned for you? I was listening to a podcast on the book of Job, and was struck when the speaker mentioned the verses where God says to Satan “Have you CONSIDERED my servant Job?” It was an HONOR to Job was chosen to be tested and tried, it was not a punishment!
If we would all look at our tests and trials as a way to grow and become more like Jesus instead of something happening to us unfairly, I think we would have a lot less stressed out days. So the next time something less than ideal happens, look up and say “ok God, what do you want me to learn from this one?”
Related: It’s Just Not Fair

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