Happy Sunday! I am sorry for the late post. I was hanging out with hubby last night and then went to bed early so I didn’t schedule my post at night per usual.
Yesterday Bobby and I had a really good run with Team in Training. We woke up at the awful hour of 4:30 to be at the run for 5:30. Getting up was hard, but I am so glad we did. While it was still very humid, temps were in the mid 70’s and it was dark, and it made the run so much more enjoyable!
We had 10 miles to go, and honestly they flew by. We ran somewhere we had never gone before, so I think that made the time go by quickly. I didn’t really push at all until the last couple miles because the sun was coming up. We finished in 1:47, which made me realize if I would have kept going at that pace and run 13.1 miles, I would have PR’ed! and I wasn’t even “racing” or trying hard. That was seriously the confidence booster I REALLY needed! After running at 9:00 every morning in the oppressive heat and sun, I was starting to think I had actually gotten SLOWER! I actually do this every year…you would think I would have learned by now that when fall hits my life gets easier!
I didn’t take any pictures because I am lazy, but wore preppy pink argyle athletic skirt, and there were two other girls there in running skirts, I think I am slowly converting people!
Anyway, don’t you just love it when you have a great run after a lot of a bunch of not so great ones? Sometimes, they are so few and far between that I forget what a truly good run feels like. Well, it felt GREAT! Only negative is my IT band is slightly sore today. Boo! back to foam rolling…
I also wanted to mention a fun blogger meet up I had the day before I went to Philly for HLS, Rach was coming through town, and we decided to meet up for coffee at Starbucks. I am so glad we met up, they are super sweet, and we have SO much in common! They are going through some of the same things we are in life so it was nice to have someone to sympathize with! I hope they come back down again so we can hang out again!
*Don’t forget to enter my Rok Bands giveaway! You have until Tuesday night to enter!
*I am working on hosting another blog raffle to benefit Team in Training, and I think it’s going to be a good one with a BIG prize pack! Stay tuned!
QOTD: Do good runs boost your confidence? How often to do you have them?

Heather, I have questions about Team In Training. I went to the meeting and desperately want to do a race with them but the fundraising requirement scares me to death. Totally intimidating. How did you get past that to sign up?
we decided to pick the race with the lowest minimum for fundraising. You get a large chunk from your letter writing, and they pay postage which is nice. we have done team fundraisers (restaurant night, hosting a 5k etc) and you have until 3 months post race to raise your money (our 5k is actually after our race) the mentors eetc. do a good job of helping you with fundraising/giving you ideas etc. We still have about 730 dolalrs to raise (since bobby is doing it to so we have to raise double) but if it would have just been me I would be done by now!
Just have a game plan of ways you personally would fund raise (garage sale? inquire to restaurants about a restaurant night? sell t-shirts? host a raffle?) and set mini goals for yourself along the way of what amount you want to have raised by what date. then, if worst comes to worst and you want to bow out, there is a re commitment date where you can choose to continue forward or bow out early so you wont have to raise the rest. I say go for it! do one thing each day that scares you!
An awesome run can make such a huge difference! I’ve been having pretty great runs…until this morning’s long run. It was horrible and I gave up half way thru, but my plan is to head out later this evening when it cools down and finish up.
It’s the good, solid runs that keep you moving thru the bad ones…great job!
Congrats on the great run! Don’t you love when that happens? I bet you kick your 1/2s butt 🙂
Yay! I was so excited to meet you too! 🙂 Next time we’re headed down that way again I’ll let ya know. 🙂