I did something a little wacky and spontaneous yesterday. It’s something I have been threatening to do all summer, but for one reason or another, I always chickened out and never followed through. However, everyone has their limit, and enough was enough. I couldn’t take it any longer. I was tired of it all, so I got rid of it.
My hair, that is. This is the most recent image I have of it down, (Sept 5th) and it’s not even straight. Add another couple of inches for when it’s straight and well, it was getting ridiculous.
The main reason it was getting on my nerves, was because runs were becoming a nightmare (how do you long haired gals do it in the heat?!?) Not only was it hot (my hair is VERY thick!) But it I kept breaking ponytail holders. I would wear two at a time, and my hair still would end up coming out/breaking the dang things. Not to mention, my ponytail was so long that when I wore tank tops or ran in just my sports bra, I would sweat and it would stick to me. Ew. With lots of races and long training runs coming up, I knew I needed more than a trim, or else I may go Britney Spears crazy and shave my whole head.
So, it is done.
I know it’s not exactly “short” for some standards, but for me it is. I haven’t had my hair this short in 2.5 years, and it barely fits back into a ponytail. I’m sure I will miss long hair, but I know I will be able to get ready faster, be more efficient, and it’s more ideal for running. Sad when that’s what helps determine my hair style right? Oh well! I was wanting a new look for fall, so here it is. Time to experiment with some styling now I guess.
Check out the new ZOOMA Florida Ambassador page. Can’t wait to see all these ladies in January!
QOTD: Do you cut or change your hair with the seasons? Had the same style for a long time?

I love it!! Trust me ..I have long hair..& realize anything cut off is “short” great cut!
looks really nice, and super healthy!! im sure it was a huge change for you, but i love it! looks great!! spa love!
Love it! My hair isn’t that long — maybe a few inches longer than your new cut — but it is still such a pain when I work out. I try and put it in some sort of bun so it’s not on my neck. I totally get what you’re saying about the ponytail getting sweaty and that’s the worst!
The hair looks great!! 🙂 I am in the process of growing mine out 😉
Super cute! I did the same thing in August. I think I’m chopping it even more next week. So much easier 😀
I just did the exact same thing! my hair lady retired so I didn’t know where to go… I randomly pulled into a salon last Thursday and just requested it be chopped off… completely scary but it worked out! Your hair looks great!
Cute haircut. I keep my hair super long and its very thick as well but the only way I can run with it long is by keeping it in a bun. I also use 2 ponytail holders to do it. Have you tried that? It works well for me even on long runs on hot summer days.
Love the new haircut Heather! it looks so cute! (:
thank you!
I need a haircut so bad!!! But I am also one of those people how feels like above my shoulders is WAY to short! I love my long hair, but it can definitely be a pain sometimes!
It looks cute! I grow mine out to donate through Pantene Beautiful Lengths and then chop it (I’ve done it twice now). And I know what you mean about it getting stuck in your sports bra when you work out….that’s usually when I say “That’s IT!” and head to the salon!
Love it. I’m a super short hair girl all the way. I grew up with it being long, but love love having it short
Love it!! I did the same thing! My hair had been growing and it was about waist length and I finally wanted a change. It’s still awkward getting used to but I’m liking the shorter length as the days start to get warmer 🙂
Looks great!!!
I’ve changed my hair a gazillion times! From short to long to super short to super long. From black, to brown, to blonde, to yellow (mistake), to red, orange and back to blonde lol
I think it is really cute! Mine is long and I usually have to braid it because I can’t stand that ponytail flying all over the place! Now that it is getting cold, I am thinking I may be glad that it is long!
Super cute! Love the new do! :0)
Cute! My hair’s about that length and it’s easy to deal with.
So cute!! I tend to stick with the same haircut (I don’t like change!) but every once in awhile I like to get it cut short. I generally keep it shoulder length.
I think it looks great!
Looking good 😀
I’m sure you’ll enjoy the low maintenance cut.