I have gotten a couple of questions of the past few months about what I do during the day. It’s pretty obvious I’m at home when I tweet about watching Desperate Housewives on Hulu (So addicting by the way!) and going to the gym in the middle of the day.
But I am far from bored or relaxing all day long! Granted my days vary a LOT but this is a rough outline of what a day in my life looks like:
7:10 wake up, go downstairs and take the dogs out and feed them Chat with Bobby for a few minutes until he leaves at 7:25. Make coffee
7:25 See Bobby off to work, turn on the computer. Check emails, twitter, Facebook, blogs, start working on Disney quotes, etc.
8:30 Daily devotion/Bible reading and prayer time
9:00 Breakfast. usually either a protein bar or greek yogurt with granola, blueberries, etc.
9:30 More e mail checking, work up Disney quotes and running skirts orders
10:30 Head to the gym or for a run outside (or grocery store, or running errands, etc)
11:30 come home, shower (or put away groceries, etc.)
11:45 do some light cleaning. Put a load of laundry on, pick up around the house, unload the dishwasher
12:15 take the dogs out, eat lunch (soup, sandwich, etc.)
12:30 clean the bathrooms, or dust, or vacuum, or file papers. Whatever the most glaring things are that day.
1:30 take a break. Watch TV or Hulu, surf the web, play with the dogs, call my mom or Bobby to say hi
2:30 prep my blog for the next day, set it to publish the next morning. Work on Disney quotes and running skirt stuff. Feed the dogs
3:30 work on more Disney quotes, answer blog e mails, chat on twitter
4:30 Bobby calls and says he is on his way home, will be here around 5:10. I then go start cooking dinner. Take dogs out.
5:15 ish Bobby gets home, we eat dinner
5:45 sit outside or on the couch and chat about our days, let our food settle
6:15 take the golf cart to the gym with Bobby, lift weights
7:15 come back home, shower, check blogs again, answer questions about Disney or running skirts, check twitter, and Facebook
8:30 hang out with Bobby, watch TV together, get ready for bed , take dogs out, etc.
10:15 ish go to bed, get ready to do it all over again!
So, as you can see, my day is slightly random but very full. One thing to note is that I don’t have “work hours.” With my jobs, I am constantly answering e mails 24/7. It never stops, so if I plan a vacation for you and you get an e mail at 9:00 at night, you know why. I get bored easy so I try to not stay seated too long. I could easily say “I am going to work on quotes and orders from 9-2” but I would go crazy, so I break it up and work on things as they come. Some days I DO sit still and work on things for 4 hours at a time because I am so busy, but other days I have more time to clean, run errands, etc. It really just depends. Also note when I say “check blogs, get on twitter, etc.” this is partially work as well, I am tweeting about my jobs, doing research on current offers, or trying to get more exposure for my brands.
doing laundry is way more fun in my red washer and dryer!
So, there ya go! I do love my work because I have a lot of flexibility. I can go visit my family for the day and just work into the night when I get home. Or I can meet a friend for coffee and get up early to get work done before I go. I am constantly checking my e mail when I am away in case a client from either job needs me. I take pride in my work and doing things well.
I love to run at the beach when the weather is nice!
QOTD: What is your favorite part of your day? Do you like to buckle down and work all at once or sporadically throughout the day?

I have three little kids so everything, work, even my thoughts are sporadic.:) Coupled with the fact that I am slightly ADD. btw love the yellow tank/ arm warmers and b&w checked skirt..Adorable!! see..sporadic thought. 🙂
hmmm I should post my daily ‘schedule’ sometime
and jealous of yours! 🙂
jealous? I work my butt off lol! Oh, and choose not to have kids right now. Ha!
yep jealous…i work my butt off, sleep about 3 hrs, have daughter w/me and no family, no significant other…trying to get new biz going, blah blah blah…so yep I admit it I’m jealous…
oh and i’m OLD too…jealous of your youth…wow I’m in a mood today aren’t I? envious much Tara?
sounds like my day…but with kids running rampant in the mix. Haha! I will be so much more productive when they both go to preschool. Which is only 1.5 years away. Gah! Maybe I take that back bec time is passing so fast.
Like you, tend to spread my work throughout the day, doing other things in between. However, I do find that I’m much more productive (in all tasks–work or play) when I sit down and give it ALL my attention for a solid hour or more.
Thanks for sharing!
I’m jealous, too. 🙂 I know you work very hard and deal with a lot of, um, demanding clients…? 😉 But I’m very envious of your flexible schedule and that you get to do what you love. Also that you do not have the responsibility of children yet. My ideal world would be to stay at home with K and be a mom, do cakes, and run. 🙂 Alas, I am stuck here in my 8-5 job (don’t get me wrong, I am very grateful to be employed, and for what I do, I am in the place I want to be), but ideally…
Working from home is, quite simply, the BEST! I do the same and love the quiet, as well as the flexibility. Need to do laundry while working? Check. Want to go for a mid-day run? Check. Love it and I’m glad you can do the same.
Too funny – my post today was about my day yesterday! 🙂 Great minds think alike! My days are much like yours when I work at home – it’s nice to be able to work, yet still get housework done too!
I’m a nanny. I have two favorite parts of the day. Nap time for the 3yr old. It is an hour and half of silence. Right now, the only sound is the dryer and the clock ticking. Perfect! Second favorite is picking up the 5yr old from school. He is always so happy to see me. I love his huge grin getting in the car. 😀
aw thats sweet!
Hi there! Been enjoying your blog. I too work from home and have been using the “Pomodoro method” to help me with time management. You use a timer, and work for twenty mins at a time, then take a five minute break and then repeat. I think you’d like it. They have a fun website, and I feel I can get so much accomplished.
Have you heard any rumors as to where this yrs HLS is going to be? Looking forward to seeing you!
Be well!
Hey Lynda! Hope you are doing well! that timer sounds great. I haven’t heard any rumors sadly. i wish they would have it in the south haha!
…continue to love reading your blog. My life has been so hectic lately that I haven’t been able to fit many runs in. Like hardly any. Had my first good run this week – just 4 miles but it seems once I take a hiatus, it’s as if I’m starting from the beginning. Reading about your runs gives me motivation to just get out there and do it!! (well, not “out there” since I’m in upstate NY – I don’t like to run if it’s under 20 degrees out !!!. Wintertime = dreadmill time” for me)…
As for your schedule, I’ve never worked from home and always wondered what a typical work-from-home schedule was like. Am I a little jealous? Just a twinge, mainly because of the flexibility built into such a schedule. My schedule looks something like this:
4:45AM arrive at Y and work out til 6AM on M,T,Th and Fr. Wednesdays I get to sleep in til 6AM – woo hoo! 🙂
6:15AM back home and make breakfast and lunches for kids, hubs and me. Shower, pick up kitchen, etc and head off to work.
8:00 – 4:30 regular job (which I love). I usually work out at lunchtime in the gym in our building.
4:45 pick up daughter from school (she has at least one after school activity each day) and drop her off at Y 2x a week for an hour or so. head home and make dinner
First Monday evening of the month: VFW meeting
Second Monday evening of the month : Board meeting
First Tuesday evening of the month: Army Guard meeting
Third Tuesday evening of the month: Education Foundation board meeting
every Wednesday night: teach at state university from 5:15 – 8:30PM
one (full) weekend a month: National Guard
Other evenings, Saturdays and Sundays seem to be chock full of kid/family activities – basketball, track, homework, volunteer activities, church etc etc. and catching up on house stuff. Hubs and I try to watch a Bills game when we can (sad season notwithstanding!) When training for a half I usually try to carve out about 2 hours on Saturday mornings for my long runs … hope to add that in once the weather clears by March or so….
And, as you can probably tell, I’m an early to bed girl. Usually by 10PM!
It may be busy and chaotic but it’s our “normal”…
wow! supermom! I don’t know how you do it all. I think I would be pulling me hair out! This is one reason I don’t have kids yet..haha
I really enjoyed this post Heather. I work from home too and often people equate working from home with doing nothing so it’s nice to see someone else setting people straight!
If your dogs are anything like mine then I’m sure they miss you when you spend an entire day out of the house!
Gotta be honest, there’s not a lot of work in this daily schedule. Surf the web? Chat on Twitter? Go to the gym? This is a dream compared to those of us that work 10 hours a day and raise children, then try to find any time at all to work out.
I Choose not to have children right now…I work 6-7 hours a day. This was a sampling of my work hours. Yesterday, I worked 9 hours. Some days, I work 5. I used to have a regular “day job,” I taught 5th grade, but chose to follow MY dreams and work from home, so that when I DO have children, I can be home with them. As a Running Skirt sales rep, I need to be in running shape at all times so I can race at the expos I work, so going to the gym is a necessary part of my day and my job. If you are unhappy in your 10 hour a day job with no time to workout maybe you should re-evaluate your life, I think everyone should follow their dreams!
I can relate to Heather and KNOW that she works hard! Yes, being able to work from home is a privilege and we’re both very aware of that. I personally work both from home and at an office – so I can see both sides. I would like to say that sometimes the days I work from home are the days I’m the most exhausted! Keep in mind – she just gave you an idea of one day. I know that there are days she is working with clients until late in the evening (I know I am!) There are times she has to work on holidays. And weekends. Or even while on vacation. Just because it ‘looks’ easy – doesn’t mean it is. Every job has it’s ups and downs – we all are aware of that. And don’t forget – this is just one half of their family. I know her husband works some crazy hours too – so for her to be able to work from home so that she can be there when they do have children is honorable.
hey keep doing what you love! You and your husband are the only ones you need to answer to at this point and clearly the way you are doing things is working for you just fine right now. I often think, “wow it seems like everyone else works so many more hours/ never gets a second for themselves”, then I remember…hey I’m 23. I choose not to me married or have kids at this point. I won’t always have this kind of flexibility in my life so I need to take advantage of it until I need/want to change that.