What a super Sunday! This had been a great day and a great weekend! Today my parents drove over for a little visit and to bring us a few things we still had left at the house, etc. It was so good to see them! I had the whole day planned. First my dad brought his saw so we could saw boards for the attic to put more of our crap on. Then we went to our new favorite Mexican restaurant for some lunch. We came home and went for a nice walk along the nature trail, and then sat upstairs on the balcony and had brownies and ice cream.
It is an absolutely beautiful day. Sunny and warm but with a nice cool breeze blowing!
Doesn’t my mom look 30? I hope I look half as good as her when I am 55!
Bobby chooses to take his life into his own hands and sit on the railing. Scares me every time.
We had a bumble bee visitor and my dad was trying to whack it with the fly swatter. The bee was taunting us. It would never get close enough!
They left about 2:30 and I was sad. Good thing about having visitors, it was a good excuse to clean my house, so now it’s all tidy! Also I am happy we got the boards down in the attic so now we can finish unpacking the bonus room and get the boxes into the attic!
Now Bobby is snoring on the couch and I am making a list of things I need to do for work tomorrow. Busy busy! Hope you are enjoying your weekend as much as I am!
P.S. Can you believe we have been in our house a MONTH?
QOTD: How often do you see your parents?

Aw I love time with my parents! I only seem them maybe once a month, because they are 3 hours away, and I miss them so much! Looks like you had such a fun day with your mom and dad 🙂
I usually see them about once or twice a week. They live about 15 minutes away from where I do. I used to live 10 HOURS away though!
You look just like your mom!
It must have felt great to have Mom and Dad at your new house. I love weekends spent with family!
How fun is that? Your parents are too cute! :0)
I LOVE you porch! I can only imagine how amazing it will be when your yard is all grown in and such!
Right now I see my mom a lot – usually at least once a month. However, we are working our way toward a move that will take us states away. I think that will take some adjusting. No more “hey, I’m bored, lets hang out” planning with my mom. I didn’t realize it before we seriously considered the move, but yeah, I’m a mommy’s girl!
it will def take adjusting but then it will make your time together more fun!