I like picking a word for the year because it forces me to sit down and really think about what I want to accomplish and focus on for the year ahead. It gives me an opportunity to be honest with myself and look at my flaws, failures, and shortcomings which, let’s face it…isn’t really fun. But I believe it’s a necessary tool for growth, facing the ways and times where you fell short.
I had been praying about a word for 2023, and nothing was coming to me. I finally thought I “settled” on one just for the sake of picking by the 31st, but it still just didn’t feel right. Then, on New Year’s day, it came to me and I knew it was going to be the winner. I am an enneagram 3 (there are free tests online if you want to take one to see your number, it has helped me GREATLY to understand myself, knowing my number, and it helps me understand others and know how to best have a relationship with them when I know THEIR number.) Anyway, 3’s are called “the achiever.” We like success, we like goals, things to move at a fast pace, and we like competition.
3’s are also big picture/big idea thinkers, but do not like getting bogged down in the details. Once I realized this about myself, I was able to look back on things in my life, dating all the way back to childhood, which is WILD to me, and see “yup…that’s so true.” I like coming up with ideas but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty how–the execution and all the details, that’s where you lose me. Here are a few for instances in my life to show you what I mean:
As a kid, I would get the wild idea to rearrange my room. I knew exactly where everything would go and could picture how awesome it was going to look. I would get started and move the big pieces into place, but when it came down to moving and organizing all the knick knacks, I got bored and would quit.
When I started running long distances back in 2009, I would get really excited about a goal race, and a new training plan. I would print it out, and mark off the days as I went. About 2-3 weeks in, I would get bored with all the little extra exercises or stretches required by the plan, and I would just do my own thing.
I wrote a book in 2014, and it took me FOREVER to finally get it released for purchase. I knew the general idea of all the things I wanted to say, but fleshing it all out, designing the cover, editing, etc. was SO daunting and I drug my feet for months.
I started on an e-guide for influencers on how to make money working with brands at the end of 2021….and I never finished it. I was just not into the details necessary to keep going. I quit yall. Ug.
These are just a few examples of many in my life. I am great at being motivated to get started, but often lack to endurance and discipline to finish the job. I get pulled in a million directions, and end up quitting or not giving it my all. This is something I am determined to work on in 2023, and why my word for the year is…
ENDURANCE. “The fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.”
As someone who works out a lot, yes, I do plan to utilize this word as it pertains to my health and fitness, but I also want to carry it over into other areas of my life. I want endurance in my business. Don’t give up when you get no’s. I want endurance with my family, keeping at shaping and helping form Emma Kate into the best person she can be. Endurance in my spiritual life, keep. on. praying. Never give up. Finish the job, and FINISH STRONG. I want to finish things and feel good about my effort the whole way, not just in the beginning. I want to carry the momentum past January and into every month of the year. I know for some this may be an easy goal, or not even a goal at all, but I know myself and I know this will be tough for me.
Several years ago I created a goal tracking printable that I will be putting up in my house. I believe goals need to me SMART goals (more on that here) and writing out steps is a huge part in sticking with them. Will you join me?
You can download the free printable HERE. Let’s all kick butt in 2023, and start AND finish strong!
Related: A word for 2022

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