Every so often I like to do a flashback and see what I was doing this time last year. It usually elicits one of two responses from me. The first being “wow I am so happy I am done with that phase of my life/week/thing” and the second being “crap. Why can’t things be like they used to be?” Fortunately for me, this edition of flashback is the former (mostly.)
Check out this post from last May, almost to the day: Mish Mash
-I hosted a Shutterfly party (fun)
-Bobby surprised me with a new bed (fun)
-We ran the 2nd hottest and hilliest race of my life (not fun)
-I was stressed to the MAX with end of the year school stuff (WAY not fun!)
-it was REALLY hot outside (no bueno)
It got me thinking, I cannot believe it has been a year since I was a 5th grade teacher. Some days I REALLY don’t miss it, then others I really really do! So, I try not to think about it! One thing I DO NOT miss are the end of the year checklists. We would have pages and pages of items to do and check off before turning it in along with our keys for the summer (and after a room inspection.) You can sense the madness in THIS post. I can remember the last teacher workday, we would have a luncheon and I would be ready before the lunch and so excited to start my summer break! It’s weird now that summer doesn’t seem as exciting as it did last year. (If you will remember, I had full intentions of going back to my school this year before we decided to move.)
I also posted THIS about super skinny supermodels, and I still feel the same way.
It’s so interesting to me to look back on what I was doing this time last year. it also really weirds me out to think that was a YEAR ago? Seems like I JUST got my new bed, or I JUST got out for summer from teaching. Life really does fly by, make each day count!
Today I ran 3 miles and it was 86 degrees and 95% humidity. I posted a picture on Twitter and Facebook of what I looked like after. yuck! Prepare yourself, you don’t want to stare at this beauty for too long. Your eyes might catch on fire…or something like that!
tomorrow is a rest day, 5k is SATURDAY! Let’s hope the weather isn’t like it was today…
QOTD: What were you doing in May last year?

I am in that end of the year teacher May checklist right now. But mine is Aseessment Assessment as a Reading teacher. YUCK!! I am glad to hear you love being a travel agent!! IF I go back and do Disney again next year I will HAVE to get ahold of you! The Chip and Dale relay is tempting!!
yes! please let me know, I would love to help you out
Definitely not thinking about running last May. I was helping my husband prepare for performing his first wedding and getting ready for our own 1 year wedding anniversary. (P.S. Found your blog and LOVE it! My best friend just ran her first 10k which got me interested; then I started readying your blog, which got me motivated. Thank you!)
aw thanks so much for saying hi! Are you planning on running now?
I am! I started the couch to 5k program and LOVING it.
way to go!
Haha. Classic post summer run picture…Too bad it’s still technically spring!
isn’t it gross?!? I stepped outside and could barely breathe. it was only 8:20 in the morning. Miserable.
In May last year, I was laid off from work! I was not all that broken up about it, though, as it allowed me to stay home with K for another 6 months. The only thing that sucked was the decrease in income. Unemployment does not get you too far. There are times when I miss being a stay at home mommy…like this morning when K kept reaching out to me and crying when I had to leave for work. 🙁
aw that would make me so sad!
I’m so glad you did this post! I was just thinking about a similar idea of doing a post on my life “before” recent events. ‘Cause life has changed a lot recently! Hmm…last May I was wrapping up the school year (yep, as a teacher here!) and getting ready to go to San Antonio with my husband. And that was the month that my life changed drastically, although we wouldn’t find out until June. Wow. Yep.
you have had quite a crazy year, I must say! I do love looking back though. All the things I thought would last “forever” have gone away, the feelings I thought would stress me out “always” etc. etc. HA!
Very cool to look back. And tell me about it with the end of the year checklists, I hate having to pack up my classroom and turn everything in. Ugh.
I agree…it’s crazy how fast time flies by! I enjoyed re-living all of your last year’s adventures with you! How fun!!! :0)