Last night was SO great. I had a blast watching my boys. They played so well, and really deserved it. I am so glad for my hometown, homestate, AAHH! Bless you boys!Β My mom said it’s crazy down there. The parade is tomorrow, schools are letting out early, fun! My sister drove by the Time Picayune (NOLA newspaper) office and said there was a line 1/4 mile long with people trying to get extra copies of today’s newspaper. I am making my dad get me one, too π
It is so surreal…I don’t feel like it’s real. I can’t wait to buy superbowl champs stuff. I am a nerd, that’s what I asked Bobby to get me for Valentine’s Day!
if you go to (NOLA local TV station) there are all kinda of pics and videos of the Saints, and one of them coming home to the airport and Sean Peyton is driving holding the lombardi trophy out his sunroof!
so superbowl is over, now, onto Mardi Gras! I bought this cookie cake today:
I am glad I ran yesterday morning, I got some energy out! I am a little sore today, so no workout. I will go to the gym tomorrow to cross train. I also ate pretty healthy today so I amkinda proud!
Here are a couple pics I took of the TV
yes yes I am a nerd. I was just SO excited.

Great Photos, thanks for sharing. I was so excited the Saints won!
thanks! me too! They deserve it after all those years!
WHO DAT!! Good job on eating healthy and that cake looks yummy! :0)
I did really well yesterday, I am very proud of myself lol!
Drew Brees and his son were too adorable π
I know! I love it! have you seen the commercial where he says” i’m going to disneyworld!” his son is in that one, too!