Hey guys, thanks for being patient with the blog while I have been on vacation! We fly home today (sad times!) and I will have race, expo, and trip recaps for you! I met several readers while in Disney, it was so fun to chat with all of you that I met. I’m wiped and need a vacation from my vacation!
Here are a few pictures of the fun.

Awesome running into you guys at EPCOT!!! And thank you for stopping to chat for a few. Next time I’ll just wave and yell “Hi” and let you two on your way!! 🙂
No worries I enjoy chatting!
I have so been living through your Instragram pics this weekend! It looks like y’all are having the best Disney vacation!
Aren’t you ridiculously excited to be reunited with EK? That’s a nice silver lining.
Yes! Bobby is making fun of me bc I keep watching videos of her.
I love your costume! Very cute!
where did you buy your costume??? So cute!
How can you be sad to go home when you have that little baby to go back to?
Of course I was happy to see my baby but leaving vacation is always sad.
So sad it’s over. We had a blast though!
I ran my first half marathon this Sunday at the PHM!!!! Woot! I heard the emcees giving you the shout out as your corral was about to start. I was back in corral I, but I was psyched that we were running it “together”!
I am so glad that I accomplished this goal that I set for myself, and your blog was a valuable resource for me during my year-long journey from being a complete non-runner to being a DISTANCE runner! I am doing the Broad Street run (10 miler in Philadelphia) next!
Thank you for the kind words! I saw the camera and stuck out my tongue then realized I was on the big screen!
We had so much fun with you guys! Sad it’s all over and done with. Let’s definitely plan something soon!!