Howdy partners! What day is it? I feel like sometimes I lose track…this isn’t such a good thing considering I am about to go out of town! I will admit, I am trying hard to be extra peppy but I’m not feeling it because, well…I had to fast last night after midnight for some blood work I am having done today. No breakfast? No COFFEE? GAH! Hopefully this will be quick and painless and I can go eat a giant breakfast. Oh yeah, then I have to pack for PROVIDENCE! My plane leaves tomorrow morning! I can’t wait to work my first Running Skirts expo booth.
Anyway, my awesome friend Karen nominated me for a blogger award!
[Favorite Cartoon Character]
Beauty and the Beast is my favorite “cartoon” and Belle my favorite “cartoon Character” (that counts, right?) When I was little I used to pretend like I was Belle. Ok maybe I still do sometimes. Don’t judge.
[Favorite Thing to Photograph]
That’s easy, my puppy dogs! Always willing participants! Well, and they are so gosh darn cute!
[Favorite Thing to Cook]
I have quite the sweet tooth, so I love to bake! I have to agree with Karen on this one, that I love to bake cookies! Especially at Christmas, I make several different kinds, so yum!
[Favorite Way to Exercise]
Take a wild guess!!!
[Favorite Movie]
This is a REALLY tough one, I have a hard time narrowing it down….My favorite is actually a two parter…Father of the Bride I and II!! For me these movies are one of those happy/sad movies, and I literally cry every time. It reminds me of the true American family, and what I would love from a “mayberry” type life. I love the house, the town, the characters, plot, everything. I laugh, I cry, I watch them over and over and over.
[Favorite Article of Clothing]
Hmmm….not really a favorite piece per say but I LLOOVVEEE my Running Skirts! (Please tell me you saw that one coming!)
[Favorite Flower]
I have always loved stargazer lily’s. They are beautiful, smell wonderful, and remind me of my favorite place in the world, the Grand Floridian Resort in Disney World (they are everywhere at this resort!)
[Favorite Breakfast]
Anything from the Broken Egg café, mainly their specialty French toast dishes. The banana’s Foster French toast is amazing. This is a different one, I don’t remember the name, but equally as yummy!
[Favorite Book]
I love to read, but my all time favorite is probably Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. If you haven’t read it, you are missing out! A great love story by a Christian author.
[Favorite Place to Be]
Once again, if you don’t know the answer to this, maybe you need to go back and read some old posts on my blog. Heh.
[Favorite Sporting Event]
Again, people….If you don’t know me by nnnoooowwwww!
Ok that was fun. Now to pass it on!
Here is a fun way to choose people. If you read this and you have a birthday in JULY (the best month EVER) then consider yourself TAGGED by yours truly. YAY!
***If you haven’t checked out my raffle yet, please please consider donating! It is for a great cause and you can win a RUNNING SKIRT, COMPRESSION SOCKS and a few other goodies, so go check out my raffle now!*****
QOTD: Are YOU ready for football? Which is your fav, college or NFL?

Yay Fun times!!! You are going to have a blast this weekend and I know you are going to have an awesome race!!! Can’t wait to hear about it! Those stargazer lilies are pretty, I do agree!! :0)
I looove Francine Rivers – she has some awesme books. Have you read Her Mother’s Dream and Her Daughter’s Legacy? ( I think that’s what they’re called!)
I am a huuge fan of Father of the Bride. I just watched Part II on TV the other night!
What kind of cookies are those? Can you share the recipe? They look so good!! 🙂
snickers cookies! I will post the recipe when i get some free time
Well, I totally agree with 5 of your faves! Can you guess which ones as I’m a relocated South Louisianian and Disney fan? Have you ever read The Scandalous Summer of Sissy LeBlanc? It’s a great book and is set in 1950’s southeast Louisiana. It should be read by women in and from Louisiana.
OK, your food pics in this post made me HUNGRY!!! Are those your cookies? I need a good cookie recipe…
I am definitely ready for some football, though I prefer college to the NFL. I’m in Jacksonville, so I try to cheer for the Jaguars (though they make it tough lots of times). And I am a UF alum and LOVE the Gators!!!! Uh oh – I’m not sure if you are an LSU fan – should I duck????
the cookies are amazing, will post the recipe when I get back
Good luck at the expo and half! Can’t wait to see pics and read all about it!
Is it going to be football season already? I’m not totally into football, although I do watch it. I’d say my team is the 49ers, but since I live in SoCal, I can’t really be a huge niners fan. I did like cheering for football in HS and college, though.
yes preseason starts august 14th!
Fun! I am definitely ready for football, obviously 🙂
I’m going to have to check out that book. It looks like a good read. And of course I totally agree on your favorite place!! I’m suffering from some WDW withdrawals at the moment.
Yay for football!! I’m more of a college fan but I do love football of all kinds (including futbol).
I LOVE Beauty and the Beast and I adore Belle. She was always my favorite princess! 🙂 And Redeeming Love is one of my favorite books too! I cry when I read it. I can’t even begin to understand how difficult it would be to keep loving someone like that… and yet that is what God does for us all the time. 🙂 Oh, and her Mark of the Lion series is AMAZING too! Definitely my favorite book series!
I havent read that series!
Oooh…i cry every time I read Redeeming Love. There was a joke in college that every girl “had” to own the book…because most of us did. haha.
I love that you love the Saints. Seriously, is there anything more beautiful than black and gold? On a side note, did you hear that the “tackiness” of the way Saints fans dress put NOLA as the 12th worst dressed city in GQ? Psssh. Lame. I don’t think they know what they are talking about!
I hope you have such a great time in Providence! You are going for the Rock N Roll Half Marathon this weekend, correct? I know some women running it so I’ll tell them to go by and visit your booth!
I am so jealous of your job. Want to trade? You be the engineer and I be The Hotness running around in Running Skirts all day? I know its tempting. 🙂
wow thats sad about our clothing. but I’m not surprised haha. yes please tell them to come say hi!
haha I would unfortunately make a crappy engineer!
ohhh father of the bride, i have watched that a million times!!!! Totally love the plaid running skirt