Well, I canβt avoid it any longer, itβs time for baby registering. I started a registry online, and did a fair bit of researchβ¦but I am still overwhelmed. An amazing mama friend has patiently answered my thousands of questions, but I am still at a loss on some things. Mainly, what are things I DONβT need.
Also, there are a few select βbig ticketβ items I donβt mind paying top dollar for to have good quality, but I also know there are certain things where brand name really doesnβt matter.
I took Bobby with me to Target last week and we just wandered the baby aisles looking at things I had already researched and just trying to get a better idea of what we want. Wellβ¦I think it was a bit overwhelming for poor daddy-to-be, and I sent him over the edge when I showed him how the βsnot suckerβ works.
Bobby in Target right after I showed him what a snot sucker was (the one you use with your mouth). I die.
So, this is what I have so far that I KNOW I need:
breast pump/nursing pads/supplies
medical supplies
baby monitor (plan to get video one)
baby wearing contraption of some sort (help?)
I KNOW I am forgetting things, this is more of an βoff the top of my headβ list. So, help me out mamas!
1.) What do I NEED
2.) What is a βmaybeβ
3.) What do I NOT need?

No kiddos for me yet but registering is something I am really looking forward to (probably more than our wedding registry). I know it’s overwhelming! My best friend is due in three weeks and I helped her register and there was just SO much out there it was tough to decide what she needed/wanted. I hope you get everything you need/want! For me (someday) my big splurge is going to be on the stroller! π
Karen @karenlovestorun
The swaddle wraps that have the Velcro to keep them swaddled are amazing! My son was a major escape artist and those are the only thing that would keep him wrapped up! If you’re planning on having baby sleep in your room at first, a pack N play with a bassinet works really well, and then for travel later on! I loved registering, but it’s definitely overwhelming!
A boppy! I used mine for everything–nursing, baby snoozes, tummy time. It was a little pricey but well worth it!
Something for baby to sleep in that is more convenient than the crib. Something portable. I sure people who have babies currently can help with actual names but you won’t use the crib as much as you think. Especially in the beginning.
Going through the same thing. Here are some items from my list after LOTS of research of my mama friends:
Bob revolution for running
Cheaper stroller for disney trips (don’t want to leave your $400+ stroller outside a ride!)
Ergo baby carrier
Fisher price rock n play (for sleeping)
Good swing (got the FP cradle n swing)
Ultimate Crib sheet (apparently a lifesaver)
miracle blanket (swaddler)
Happiest Baby on the Block book and DVD
I agree with Bridie! We didn’t use our crib for a little while. We used the HECK out of our pack and play with bassinet and changing station. And we still use the Pack and Play for travel and for a safe place to plop her down now when we have to step out of the room for 2 seconds. A good breastfeeding pillow – I hated the Boppy, only used it for tummy time. I loved the My Breastfriend pillow (I know, super corny name) but it allows baby to lie close to you better without rolling in, and it has pockets for water, snacks, etc. I wore that thing like 14 hours a day!! A good bouncer or swing is really nice, some babies don’t like either, or they like one or the other! We liked the Snug-A-Bunny bouncer. You will want burp cloths, lots of them…and sleepers for baby!!
The Happiest Baby on the Block DVD saved our lives in terms of sleep! We swear it helped Natalie sleep through the night at 7 weeks…like a light switch. I had to get up and pump because she was sleeping, but I didn’t care! If you follow the DVD, you will want good swaddler blankets or sleepers. We loved the Halo sleep sack swaddlers with Velcro someone mentioned. Awesome!
Your list looks great though!!
I hate to say this, but I would put the “nose frieda” as a need. With a September/October baby, they will be exposed to all the winter illnesses, and the snot sucker saved us many times over.
I’d also put swaddlers on there as a need, if only for the first few weeks when they are such easily startled sleepers.
Definitely get the snot sucker. We used that for 3 years I think! And invest in good swaddle blankets … My son is 11 and when he was born the swaddle blankets didn’t have Velcro and weren’t big enough for an unskilled swaddler like me … My nephews were born just a few years ago and the swaddle blankets are much better (pricey, but get at least 2). I couldn’t live without my baby bjorn carrier … My cousin swore by the mobie wrap. I made the mistake of buying a swing and a bouncer but my son hated both so I ended up carrying him around in the baby bjorn constantly. π Have fun!
A baby carrier is number one for me. Ergo is an ergonomically correct carrier and can be found most anywhere. If you want more comfort and the ability to use it longer, I recommend the Tula. You’ll have to find a specialty store or look online but it’s worth the small price increase. I got mine at http://www.growingupstpete.com. Good luck!
I’ll give you Moby and K’tan wraps, but we love the Ergo for when they’re a little older! It’s so hard though. All babies are so different! We got a bunch of things we never used. Sigh.
Jen, did you prefer one over the other? (Moby v. K’Tan) I have a Moby but was really looking at a K’Tan for this one. It looks a little easier to maneuver.
I’m trying to think of my friend’s baby registry. One of the things she wanted was a Baby Bullet (she got three at the shower, oops!), needs were bottles, diapers, gentle laundry detergent, water proof sheets, infant tub, J&J stuff, clothes of various age stages. It can be fun but if it wasn’t for her registry, I would’ve been overwhelmed too, and I didn’t even have the baby.
Oh girl…so much to talk about!! We will go over ALL of this on Saturday! Ha! Baby, baby, baby talk! Our poor husbands. π We used the heck out of our swing and bouncer/vibrating seat. They were life savers. Invest in a GOOD breast pump. Or rent one from the hospital. Most lactation consultants at the hospital can point you in the right direction there. Good swaddling blankets are a must. The Aden and Anais ones were my fave. A Pack & Play is nice to have, especially for traveling. I have a big twitter string discussing baby wearing devices. I’m searching for a good one too and got some great suggestions from other moms. So fun!!
JoDee recommended this book to me and it was SO HELPFUL as it has charts that compare all the different brands for all gear you may need in a very unbiased way. I consulted it on pretty much everything before registering! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1889392448/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_1?pf_rd_p=1535523722&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=1889392146&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=17MA3X342DVBB0C34N1Q
We also watched the Happiest Baby on the Block dvd and it was really awesome, we’ve been practicing on Paisley! LOL
i got the baby bjorn but babies have to be 8 pounds to use it (william was born at 5) and even though i think he’s 8 pounds now, i don’t feel comfortable putting him in it. i’m going to be looking for more of a wrap style which is what i would recommend for newborns.
They didn’t have the snot suckers that you sucked out when mine were babies. My sister who has a 7 month old just told me about that the other day! That picture of Bobby is hilarious! I kind of had the same reaction lol! Let’s see…I think you NEED a bouncy seat and a swing. Both of mine lived in those things it seemed like. You need several sheet sets…babies are messy. If you have a changing table you need several covers for the changing pad. They will get messy from changing diapers…especially the first month or so. Babies don’t wait to go until the diaper is on if you know what I mean. I loved the covers because when they got dirty I just threw them in the wash. It sounds like you are going to nurse but you may want a few bottles in case Daddy wants to feed her some. π That’s all I can think of right now. Babies need a ton of stuff lol!
We just had our first little one in October and my must-haves ended up being the swing (for naps), sleep sheep sound machine, pack n play next to bed, activity mat (for around 3 mths), exosaucer (a blessing now, around 5-6 mths), Halo Sleep sack, Diaper Munkin for dirty diapers, and oxi-clean stain remover (for the blow outs!). We also love our Ergo baby carrier. Registering is sooooo fun! Overwhelming.. but fun. I went to Br US like 20 times before Emma arrived to add things onto my list… lol. If you want to read the Happiest Baby on the Block (it has great tips), get the DVD out of the library. It’s corny, but it will only take 45 minutes of your time and will be SO helpful during that 4th trimester when your little one needs the comfort. Plus, with so many baby books around, who has time for another?
Sound machine, didn’t use it at first but it has saved us countless times when our hairy son has gotten too loud… Boppy is an arm saver… Don’t worry about convertible cribs, they are made out of wood that scratches easily and teething takes them out. He used it for a good 9 months, and then switched to a toddler bed. So I wouldn’t go over board on an expensive crib. Also sweet repeats in D’iberville is a great consignment store to check for things you don’t want to pay a ton for.
I agree with a lot that others have posted about: Pack & Play with bassinet for next to your bed when baby is brand new, Halo sleep sacks, I preferred the Moby wrap for when LO was small. I used it regularly until he was about 6 months, then alternated with the Action Baby Carrier as he got bigger. A good breast pump is a must if you are going to be away from baby. Both my boys preferred the bouncy chair over the swing, plus it is much easier to move around the house to where ever you are. Check out children’s consignment stores in your area. They are great for clothes, especially when they are little and only wear an outfit a couple times before they outgrow it, and for items you tend to only use short term.
Definitely a pack n play with bassinet! Also agree with a swing. You do not need a diaper genie. Also, if money is an issue, you do not need a changing table, meaning the piece of furniture. I used a changing pad on my linen cabinet top.
I would wait on a breast pump until after the baby is born. I went out and bought an awesome $300 pump and I barely used it. Your insurance may even cover part of the pump (check with them). If you plan on getting one, get an electric one and not a manual one.
I second checking with your insurance! I got a 200$ pump for free as well as a supply of milk storage bags every 90 days!
Agree with checking your insurance! With my first pregnancy 1.5 yrs ago, my insurance offered a breast pump (single electric) or a car seat (toddler/convertible) after baby arrived.
This time I can get both, and can request the pump one month before my due date. Also, it is now a double electric, though they change models so they can’t confirm which until my eligible date.
Babies don’t need a lot…at all.
-My kid slept in the rock-n-play for 3 months next to my bed. We are just now transitioning to her crib. (that’s a whole different post!)
-Swaddle me
-white noise (I have an app on my phone/ipad)
-Sleepers w/ zippers and not buttons
-gripe water was a lifesaver for us in the early months
-I love my Ergo. Please research hip problems in infants before buying a Bjorn.
-Baby loved her bouncer and still does at 6 months. Swing was hit or miss but a lot of babies love them. I’d suggest a baby receptacle of some sort, for sure.
Did not use boppy. Insurance should cover a breast pump for you. Dont buy nursing bras until after milk comes in. They get bigger…
We didn’t use a monitor until baby slept in her own room (highly suggest only after 3 months) I do love our video monitor.
Don’t buy too many of one diaper/wipes. You never know if your baby will be sensitive to one brand. Same w/ pacifiers and bottles. You may go through a bunch until you find out what baby likes.
Do not buy expensive bedding set. Your kid, when she’s sleeping in the crib, needs a sheet, nothing else.
Don’t buy newborn clothes. You’ll get enough and she’ll grow out of it.
The Fisher Price Infant to Toddler Rocker was a god send for me. My son would not sleep initially in his crib due to how flat it was. So for the first while he slept in that. I even moved it in the crib for a while, lol. But we did have him in his room right away, so that it wasn’t hard to move him later.
People always told me that wipe warmers were wonderful. I figured it was not worth me wasting my money. I had also heard that a lot of times the wipes would dry out on the bottom, so I never had one of those and really you DON’T need it π As long as you have the basics you are set. Lots of burp cloths, spread throughout the house are a must, haha. Enjoy, it will go by so quickly.
**Oh by the way a Disney question for you. We are going back to Disney in March 2015 and were thinking of staying at the Wilderness Lodge. What is your review of that hotel? My son will be 9 when we go and he has seen pics of it and LOVES it. LOL!
Congrats on your pregnancy! What an exciting stressful time;). I have a 16month old baby girl:). Here are some of the things I couldn’t live without:
-kellymom.com. The BEST breastfeeding website! It is all evidence based. This website saved me several times! There is great info on pumps too. I used a hygeia brand pump. It is a closed circuit pump (no chance for your milk to come into contact with the motor). Also the pump has a warrenty for 3 years as opposed to 1year like Medela. The pumps are also recyclable π great company great product!
– ergo carrier. I tried several different types before the ergo and it is by far the most comfortable. I am still using mine now:)
– I would have loved a BOB Jogging stroller but we couldn’t afford one. So I researched and opted for the Graco fast action jogging stroller. I don’t have anything to compare it to, but I LOVE it:). My daughter loves it too:). This stroller also is comparable with a graco infant seat (for stroller use not running).
Good luck and enjoy the journey:)
We registered Saturday, but we have so much already!! It’s hard to say what is a ‘need’ and a ‘maybe’ and a ‘no’ since everyone and every baby is different, but here are my recommendations:
-My Brest Friend nursing pillow: it’s all about preference, but most of my friends and family have returned their boppy (or kept it for tummy time) and switched. This pillow is flat so baby doesn’t roll into you while nursing.
-Swing/bouncer: my nephew loved both so I’m taking a chance! We got a cool bouncer swing combo from Burlington Coat Factory. The bounce part just detaches from the swing and bam- done. Crossing my fingers that Milo (Baby Glass!) likes it.
-Pack n Play: good for travel, sleeping in your room (rather than in a crib up front) and easy to move around the house for naps and things since you have stairs. The one we registered for has a bassinet on top to use until he is bigger.
-Baby carrier: I haven’t decided yet. I’m thinking I might find a gently used one from a friend so I can try a few out. A friend loved one type and my nephew hated them all, so you never know! I just don’t want spend money on things that he may or may not like. If I find one that works then I’ll pay the money for it π
I know it can be stressful, but it will all work out. Keep an eye out on craigslist for furniture as a lot of it is hardly used. Other shops that sell gently used items are good too because some people but everything and then their baby hates it and they get rid of it. Check out garage sales in your area too! Good luck!
A baby carrier that is a must is an ergo. I love mine (especial yate Disney !) and my kiddo is a toddler now! We also had a moby wrap which was nice when he was smaller but once we got the ergo there was no going back
Every parent and every baby is so different, so register for big ticket items but maybe don’t unpack them all until the baby is here and you can try stuff out, and if it doesn’t work, exchange.
That being said here are some things we loved:
Happiest Baby on the Block DVD
This bassinet (http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=23220336&cp=2255957.2273443.2256245.2256271&parentPage=family) for our room, currently all B’s stuffed animals stay in it, but when we have a second we will use it again. I stored diapers, creams, etc underneath for middle of the night feelings & changes ease.
A diaper pail that doesn’t need special bags (if you aren’t cloth diapering) we had the Safety 1st pail but it didn’t keep the smell out. We splurged on an Ubbi pail and it is amazing. We’ve had it for 2.5 years and the smell doesn’t get in the room at all, plus it locks so little fingers can’t open it. And we can use regular garbage bags.
Lastly, the baby bargains book. I had a meltdown over the registry process and that book really helped me make some important decisions.
Ok I gagged when I looked up that snot sucker. I just couldn’t do it. LMAO
Obviously I have no kids but my friends have all said it is important to get a swing with a plug and not batteries because a lot of them left the babies in the swing just to sleep because they cried. lol
I Agree with alot of what people said above.
A rock and play: my girl was little and slept in it for 6 months its small easy to travel with and move room to room
A good wrap: my girl didnt like to be put down I had a Ktan but heard good things about moby and solly.
A carrier for when there a little bigger: I loved both my ergo baby and lillebaby and still use them today with my 20 month old.
A good breast pump: I agree with a closed system unit so you can also use it with multiple babies later on with just new tubes and parts
A great stroller: I went with an uppababy vista and while I love it now with the discussion of baby number 2 I would go with baby jogger city select. Also with that said I have brought my uppababy to Disney but now that shes bigger I love my uppababy gluxe.
Those are my must haves besides a few other things mentioned above such as swaddle blankets, also dont waste your time with wipe warmers, a full sterilizer just get dr brown bags or boil water, also instead of baby bullet go with a good food processor, a full crib set most items in there arent needed. Hope that helps Congrats on your Baby Girl!! Girls are so much fun!