I love going back to my hometown to visit my family. It’s always like I never left, and and hanging out with my parents is always a treat. I came to get the dogs groomed and bring them for a visit to grandma and grandpa’s house (my parents, of course).
I dropped my babies off at Petsmart and met my mom for some shopping. We also hit up the brand new Steak N Shake in town. I will admit, I have never been to one of these bad boys, and wow was it good!
I haven’t had a milkshake…or a cheeseburger for that matter…in months! So I happily dug in to this heath bar shake and my mom and I split a burger and fries. It was just one of those days where calories just didn’t matter. Everyone needs to splurge sometimes!
We were pleasantly surprised and will have to be back when we are wanting to splurge!
It was raining while we were eating, but finally let up so we could go for a run. But first, we had to pick up the babies from Petsmart.
Look how precious these bows are!
Look how fun, mom and daughter running skirt duo.
We ended up running five miles, which went by quickly with good conversation. I can’t wait until we run the Disney Princess Half together! Today I am headed back to Mississippi but it was great to see my family for a short visit.
QOTD: Do you run with anyone in your family or are you on your own?

I ran with my dad as a kid in PA but now I’m totally totally on my own…shoot my mother doesnt even speak to me and running for sure wouldnt be her thing…So, I run.alone.in.Florida but love it so I’m good with that 🙂
You and your mom look cute…enjoy Disney Princess!
love the bows in the babies hair! my daughter wants another dog with fluffy hair to dress up since her chihuahua cant do bows, etc lol
So great that you and your mom can run together – what a blessing! 🙂
Cute puppers!! How adorable.
My husband actually got me into running and was my partner for a couple years. Unfortunately due to his fibromyalgia I’ve been running by myself the past 2 years. He’s working on getting that in check and I hope to have my running partner back someday =)
Looking forward to your Princess Half Recap with your mama!
I don’t run with anyone in my family, but my husband does run some races with me. I’m way faster than him though (meaning my 5K time is about 10 minutes faster than his). But it’s still neat to do them together even if we’re not really together on the course. It’s so amazing that you run with your mom, too!
Your milkshake sounds delish. I don’t remember the last time I had a milkshake. I think it was last summer. But I love the heath/toffee flavor in stuff lately.
I am on my own! J will run with me every now and then and my sister is always up for a short run whenever she is around
I’m on my own. I kind of prefer it that way though since I like to listen to music while I run. But, it would be nice to find someone to go to races with instead of by myself all the time. 🙂
I love going home as well. It must be so special to share the running experience with your Mom. How blessed are you?
That shake, burger and fries has left me speechless. It looks so simple and perfect. I want to jump through the screen to get at it. Yum.. enjoy.
This post made me smile. I got my running passion from my dad. Hevwas an incredible runner. Sadly he ran too much and had to had to have a hip replacement at the young age of 40. I cherish the memories of the many,many miles, races, and tear/ hard workouts we did together. Now I run a little extra for him and always think of him with every run. 🙂
Since I started running my brother has picked up an interest with it. So every now and then I could convince him to run with me — which was pretty awesome. Also, I just tried my first Steak N Shake the other day down here in GA and I too had a milkshake. Soooo good!
You & your mom look so cute together!!
I am drooling over your shake!!