Good morning everyone! I leave for the beach today with hubby and my parents! The dog/housesitter will be here in an hour and we are nowhere NEAR ready to go! So I have to make this quick! I have a few guest posts lined up for you so please come back and share some love for them ok?
I will be back on on birthday on Wednesday, with lots of fun beach pictures and stories (hopefully) to share!
mommy please don’t leave me!
so running…yeah, my knee hurts this morning. bleh! going to take it easy on the trip, maybe run 1-2 times easy and short mileage, but that’s it. I have got to get this thing well so I can get back to training. I was starting to get faster/stronger and I don’t want to lose that! Off to foam roll and then pack, have a great weekend everyone!
QOTD: Would you rather have a chance encounter with a snake or a dog on a run?

Are you excited for your birthday? I know I’m excited for my birthday! 🙂 July 13th is a good day
Another July 13 birthday here!! But…sigh… much older!!!!
happy birthday to you too!
Hope you have fun at the beach!! :0) Soak up some sun for me and I hope your knee feels better!
Have fun!! I’m going to the beach next week. I’ve not been in 6yrs!! I’ve encountered snakes and dogs alot. Yesterday I stopped to fix my ipod and I looked down and there was a 3 foot blacksnake! That’s the 3rd one I’d seen this summer. I run alot at the State park with lots of trails. When I run on the roads I get chased by dogs. Once it was a rotweiler(cant spell)! So, I prefer neiither, but as bad as the snakes scare me, I feel like the dogs could harm me first. I only have to deals with the snakes in summer, the dogs are yearlong.
Have sooooo much fun 🙂