Another gloomy day here. Boo! where did my beautiful sunshine-y days go? Itโs humid again, but at least itโs still warm. I feel bad for all the people still experiencing winter-like weather! Iโm sure spring is REALLY coming soon for you guys!
I have a confession: I ALMOST registered for another half marathon last night. It has really been killing me watching all the northerners gearing up for half marathon season and racing and PRing and having fun while I sit here in the southern heat not running another half until October. Thatโs HALF A YEAR! Boo! we have daily been having temps surpassing 80 degrees, and I do NOT run well in anything over 65. Throw in humidity percentages in the 90โs and you have a recipe for Heather sweating out a gallon and blacking out.
First, I almost signed up for the Pensacola half that is at the beginning of April. Luckily, we are trying not to spend a ton of money on races so having to get a hotel and pay for gas and two race registrations deterred me from signing us up.
Then there is the Renaissance half marathon at the end of April in the town where we just moved from. I wasnโt going to run it because 1.) itโs April 30, and that means quite warm weather and 2.) it costs 75 dollars a person. YIKES! But then last night I found out ADA from the Biggest Loser is going to be AT THE RACE! I will admit, I came THISCLOSE to signing up forย the race. I battled it out in my mind all evening, until we went for a 3 mile run in the dark and it was STILL hot outside. I realized I do NOT want to be doing long runs of 12-14 miles in the dark and still be dying of a heat stroke. Plus our gym wonโt be ready until September so I canโt run inside on a treadmill.
As painful as it as for me, I just canโt do it. I have GOT to be realistic. The 2011 half marathon year for me has been less that stellar so far. One half marathon with a terrible IT band pain which caused a terrible hip pain on the opposite leg led me to a lot of disappointment. All I can do now is run short and fast distances through the summer and come back training for halfs with a vengeance in the fall. (and a hopefully fully healed IT band). It seems so far away right now, but this will be a good lesson in patience for me.
So, REALISTICALLY, I may run another 5k this spring, but thatโs it. I will work on speed and strength this summer which will hopefully translate into stronger leg muscles to support my IT band and faster race times!
QOTD: Are you realistic with your race goals? Do you know when itโs time to race/not race, and do you listen to yourself and your body?
****FOR SALE!****
I have not one, but TWO runningskirts.com skirts to sell! Both skirts are the same style, print, and size. They are both very gently worn, and show no signs of wear. They are a size 3. BUT, not a true size 3. I normally wear a size 2 in running skirts, but they made the briefs smaller in last yearโs spring line so everyone had to upsize to for a more true fit on the rear. Both skirts are for sale for $40 dollars each. They retailed for $58 last spring.ย
If you are interested or would like more pictures, etc. please e mail me at runningwithsass AT gmail DOT com. I will sell them to the first two people who e-mail me wanting them, so act fast!

Sounds like we’re in a similar boat with the patience thing ๐ Don’t worry – your half-marathon season will reappear, your IT band will be happier, and you will do great!
I’m glad you didn’t sign up for the race. I know exactly how you feel though. I am so jealous of everyone who can race and it’s super-tempting to register for something. Hopefully both of our race hiatuses will be over before we know it!
Glad you are doing what is best for you and your body! A 5K is still an accomplishment!
Rest is probably just what your IT band needs anyway. Use the summer to focus on strengthening/loosening up your hip girdle and the muscles surrounding your knee. That way, you’ll be able to ramp up some long runs in the fall without IT band problems. Google the “Myrtl Routine”. It’s a great set of exercises that can be done just about anywhere.
thanks so much! always looking for more/new exercises to stretch and strengthen.
I am not so good with patience and listening to my body. I ran my first half in Mobile in January and then got hurt the first week of February. I am stubborn and did not yet have a diagnosis, so I hobbled through the Rock-N-Roll half in February. I now know that I have a stress fracture and severe bruising in the bones that run from my groin to my hip. I have been told to take 6 weeks off from running. Problem is, I a leading a group of women in the Couch to 5K program. I have to run the days we do training runs.
I am signed up for the Gulf Coast Half. I signed up back in December when it was only $40. I can not make myself not do it, so I think I will be walking it. I’ll still cover the 13.1, just at a slower pace. Injuries just plain stink!
thats the one I really wanted to do, gulf coast. bah! Where do you live? so sorry about your injury!
It’s so easy to get caught up in race registrations! I hate that they can add up so fast! Luckily, living in so cal there are a lot of good local races that I wouldn’t have to get a hotel for, but still…
trying to save for the new Disney race! I HOPE it is at disneyland!
def adds up fast when we both run, so double every registration! you are def lucky lol!
I was NOT realistic when planning out my first half that is in a week and a half. It won’t be as good as I thought I could do because I didn’t give myself enough training time and cush time incase I got hurt (which I did). I am still going to do it but next time I’ll do a MUCH better job of getting myself prepared.
Totally know what you mean!!!!! I think it’ll be good for you to give your knee some time to really heal though! ๐ I know it sucks though! I’m not planning any races (other than maybe 5K’s) until october (and that one is in DC lol) and November here in orlando!
I feel ya on being realistic about how many races you can do. I love racing, I’ve been waiting for my race this weekend for what feels like eons. Its almost as if our race season starts when yours ends. Maybe you’ll have to start traveling north for races : ).
You might have to go cheer Ada on for that race, and post pictures of her running. I heart her!
its not just the races its the training, i can’t train in this heat yuck!
Selling running skirts?! *Gasp!* Which ones? lol
I know your knee will heal all up and you’ll be rocking the races in the Fall!!!! :0)
The flower one in the picture. Selling so I can buy another!
Oooh…good idea! hehehe! :0)
everyone thinks its a good idea! ๐
I know how you feel.. I am from Bama. Not exactly great race weather. It’s getting too dang hot around these parts!
I know! its not even april!
I can do races in March – June and then maybe September – November. There don’t seem to be any races in December – February. This year I am racing in April and June, and maybe October.
no way i could race in June around here. So hot! I like october-dec best!
Reading about other people’s race fun definitely increases the temptation to sign up, but it sounds like you are making wise decisions. Your body will be that much stronger in October.
I hope so! thanks!