So it’s the end of a crappy week of me being sick. It’s gloomy and rainy outside, and I just wanted to get home. Bobby got home right before me, and I walked in and there was a trail of rose petals on the ground. We have rose bushes outside, which i love, because we can always have fresh flowers! I thought it was sweet he had put them out for me. I thought it was odd they were leading to the bedroom, but he never said “follow them” or “come see” and I didn’t want to make him feel bad by saying “do they lead to someting?” if they didn’t…so I just said thank you.
I wanted to change clothes before we went to eat, so I followed the rose petals into the bedroom, I opened the door, and this was in front of me!
A NEW KING SIZED BED! Those that know me know this is big. Since we got married 3 years and 4 months ago, I have wanted a king sized bed. We are tall people, and plus one of the dogs sleeps on the bed and she is very moody if you accidentally disturb her in the night, and I am SO TIRED of being stuck with a half a foot of room at the corner of the bed. Plus, we had no headboard…just a box spring and queen mattress. So i was SO EXCITED! He got me, he actually got me. Bobby has NEVER been able to surprise me, he always gives it away and I can read him so well, but he REALLY truly got me! I had no idea! I know I look weird but this is a true surprised face!
more rose petals
tomorrow we are going to pick out a comforter set, the one on it now is for a queen. He gets major points for this! It was such a bright spot in a very gloomy week! Some of you know but we are dealing with some family/health issues right now so it’s been stressful.
What a sweetie!! I love him!
QOTD: has your significant other ever done anything surprisingly sweet for you?
aww! That is SO SWEET of him! What a great surprise!!!
I know! I was so shocked
Bowchickabowwow. Nice job Bobby. 😉
NERD! Hope you are having a great bday. Did you get my text earlier?
Wow, Bobby did good! Glad you had a good surprise after such a crummy week.
me too! I was needing a little uplifting
This is awesome! Ok most boys I know? Do NOT know how to pick out a bed and headboard! This guy is awesome! Cool that you posted the surprise face! You look so excited in your surprise! Yaaay!
well, actually, we had already picked out the actual bed we just couldn’t afford it lol! He knows better than to buy somethng like that without my input hehe!
That is awesome! How sweet!
thanks kerrie!
How sweet! What a great surprise. We made the switch to a king bed last year and it’s heaven. Now our Midgets can get in and there is still plenty of room. Enjoy!
whenever we visit my parents we get to sleep in a king bed and it has always been a “treat” for us, so I was so excited! the dogs are happy too lol
Yay girl! You SO deserve this! Enjoy it!
Is it bad I am totally blanking on something nice Jeff’s done for me? haha!
aw Jen! He sometimes used to clean when you were out of town…lol!
What a beautiful bed!! I’m so glad you were surprised 🙂
thanks! hoping to get the rest of the set piece by piece at some point, but the bed was the main thing I cared about!
He IS a great huzzy! What a nice suprise!!!
isn’t he? he got major points for this.
That is so awesome! What a super sweet hubby! We just got a king size bed in February. Best.Thing.Ever.
isn’t it fabulous? I have been getting terrible sleep for 3.5 years and now it’s so much better!
That’s awesome! What a keeper! 🙂 My sweetie surprises me with breakfast in bed every once in awhile. 🙂
aw that’s so sweet! Mine would never do that bc he would sleep till noon if I would let him! maybe lunch in bed? haha!