Hi everyone! If you have been following RWS, you know that every so often I like to look back on what I was doing a year ago. I think it is so important on our journey’s to health to look back and see how far we have come! Also, it is just plain fun. So….A year ago this week….
I was in DISNEYWORLD! So…I went forward a few days since, well, I didn’t post when I was in Disney last year. So, fudging a little…here we are!
You Are What You Eat
This was a very “a ha” moment for me in my journey to health. Of course in the back of my mind I always knew the better you eat the better your body will feel, but it took eating like crap in Disneyworld and coming back and trying to run to REALLY make me see. Funny how personal experience will do that to you, huh? Now, don’t get me wrong, I will most likely eat like crap in WDW when I go on vacation. BUT, I will also have realistic expectations of what my runs will be like when I get home, and get myself on a plan to get back to my healthy eating ways.
People tell me all the time “I am too tired to workout, if I had more energy, I would do it.” I want to shake them and say IF YOU WORKOUT YOU WILL HAVE MORE ENERGY! Of COUSE you don’t want to workout. If you drink coke at every meal, and a bunch of food coma inducing, processed foods, you are going to feel like crap and not want to do anything that doesn’t involve the couch and a TV remote.
If you force yourself to the gym, even when you feel like crap from unhealthy food, you will most likely feel BETTER after, and then the cycle starts of wanting to workout more, and wanting toe at better. once you get a taste of those exercise endorphins it’s hard to go back to feeling blah when you know how good you COULD feel.
So, stop making excuses. There is a reason you feel yucky and tired. Today is a new day, start your new path TODAY! Go for a walk, ride your bike, do some jumping jacks. Get your blood flowing! You will be feeling better in no time.
QOTD: What are your thoughts on the “you are what you eat” quote? Any personal experience?
*Raffle Raffle! only $5 to enter! All proceeds go to team in training, great running gear prize packs!

I totally believe in that saying. If you fill your body with junk, you’re going to feel like junk! As far as the working out goes, it is amazing how much energy it can give you. You just have to get your booty off the couch!
And that first step can be so hard but I just want ppl to try it!
i totally agree! it’s so frustrating when people refuse to change their habits but constantly complain about how they are.
I know its sad. 🙁