Hola! The week is just movin right along eh? Fine by me, I am gearing up for vacation! I have been busy working all day, and making a vaca packing list. oy. It is a long one. Going to a condo makes you pack all this kitchen stuff, but hey, it’s worth it!
Sassy says “nnoooo, take me with yoooouuuu! I promise to not whine in the car.” yeah right Sassy. Like you would EVER not whine in the car. It’s just not possible.
But first, I wanted to share an awesome, EASY dessert recipe with you all. I make this for Thanksgiving, and a lot in the summers because I like nice cool desserts in summer. It’s SO simple but delicious. You will eat all of it. Really.
Chocolate Éclair Pie:
2 small packs French Vanilla Instant Pudding
3 cups milk
1 8oz. cool whip
1 box Graham crackers
-Mix vanilla pudding and milk.
-Then spoon cool whip into pudding and mix together.
– Put a layer of graham crackers in a pan (I do a 13 x 0 or two glass dishes, one 8 x 8 and one 9 x 7 maybe?), a layer of pudding over the crackers, another laoer of graham crackers, then remainder of pudding, then yet another layer of graham crackers on top.
– Top with chocolate sauce and keep cold in refrigerator.
2 cups powdered sugar
2 and 1/2 tablespoons cocoa
2 tablespoons melted butter
Then add enough HOT water to make is spreadable. Be very careful when adding the water…it only takes a little….if you make a mistake and pour too much water you can add more powdered sugar to make thick again. You don’t want the sauce “soupy” but instead just barely spreadable.
-pour over graham cracker top and spread evenly.
It will be a big hit, I promise. We ate the square one at the BBQ and Bobby brought the other one to work where it was devoured like a fat kid eating cake. Holy yum. This has been one of my favorites my mom makes back from when I was a little girl.
On the running front, I took an unscheduled rest day yesterday. I felt fine except for my knee, so decided it could use a day of rest. I will cross train and lift today and then my shoes should be here this afternoon, then I will try a run tomorrow and of course Saturday. I will keep you posted! Oh some of you were asking more specifically about the knee pain…it’s the inside of my knee, right above where I bend my knee, but below the knee cap and more inside from the knee cap. it is tender to the touch and after sitting for a long period is VERY stiff upon standing. Hmmpph.
QOTD: Did your mom or dad make a favorite dessert of yours growing up?

Your knee pain sounds a lot like I had. My brother who is an othopedic surgeon told me that I had Plica Syndrom. I wrote a blog on it the other day, but if you look it up, it sounds like you might have something similar to that. I didn’t have to get xrays or anything. My brother just said I have over used it and that I needed to slow down on it and take my time. I took off about a month or so from running and now my knee does not hurt at all. He also told me to massage with my fingers the part that is hurting on the inside of your knee and that would help to relieve it, but that is about all you can do. If that does not help I would suggest finding an ortho. surgeon and getting them to look at it.
That recipe looks delicious. I am pretty sure that would be way over my calorie intake. hahaha j/k
I dont think it’s Plica, I have been doing a lot of research and the spot it hurts doesn’t seem like Plica, I think its either runners knee or pes ansarine bursitis. I dont see how I can have an overuse injury, I have only been running about 40 miles a month which is lower for me. Hoping new shoes will help!
haha its def not low fat but so worth it.
Now how could you say no to a adorable puppy face like that? One of my girls is a car whiner, though, so I understand your pain.
And my parents didn’t really make a lot of dessert growing up but my aunt made a killer rhubarb pie that I would polish off all by myself.
oh the whining. drives me insane!!! the other one doesnt do it, I’m not sure why she does it!
It definitely could be the shoes! I had ankle, hip, and knee pain when I was in the wrong shoes. That all went away when I switched shoes! With the mileage you have on yours… *shakes head*
Oh, what you could also do to extend the life of your shoes is to replace the insoles (but did I read you have 600 miles on your shoes??? maybe not then…lol). I’m hoping to get another 100 or so miles on my shoes now that I’ve replaced the original insoles with new cushioned ones.
Yum, that pie really looks delicious!
I’m so sorry about your knee. But I bet it’s just your shoes, which I know would be a huge relief for you 🙂
I LOVE that dessert! I look forward to it every year at our Labor Day potluck!
As for your knee, it sounds like Runners Knee to me. Mine flares up from time to time – usually based on my shoes. You’ll be smiling when those new shoes come!
Did you say where you are vacationing too – another cruise perhaps 😉
ha I wish. just going to the beach, husband has to take some continuing legal education classes there
ooo don’t remind me about those, yuck! well at least you will get a tan.
Oooh, that looks delicious! I’m gearing up for vacation too…yay! Where’s your condo at?
I’ve heard good things about the city, but haven’t ever been there. I’m in Marco Island right now!
This was one of the first recipes my mom ever made sugar free for me so I could have a birthday dessert after finding out about my heart. Oh gracious, I was ecstatic, haha! So it has definitely been a favorite of mine ever since. 😉
Also, I am so excited about meeting up in August! I don’t know what we’re going to do, but we’ll have a great time doing it! 🙂
O my goodness! I love that dessert. I’ve only had it once (like 6yrs ago). I had it at a Bible Study. I remember them telling me that it’s rich and that only a tiny slice is enough. People! I want like half the pan!! Don’t you hate it when people only give you a little slice?!! Yes, I could have went back and ate prob half of the pan, I didn’t cause 1. The Bible study started and 2. I didn’t want to be a “pig”. I just need to make it myself and enjoy it all to myself. Thanks for the recipe! 🙂