I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! Another one has (sadly) come and gone. It’s always depressing to come home after the holidays and see all of my Christmas decorations still up. It makes me want to just take them down and wait for next year. We had a great time with family, and while Christmas looked VERY different this year with the baby, it was still fun.
Because Bobby had to work, we didn’t arrive at my parents house in Louisiana until late Christmas eve afternoon. I was a little bummed because I usually bake all day with my mom on Christmas eve. Emma Kate had a bit of a meltdown as we got near the house, so she immediately took a nap and by time we unloaded the car it was almost dinner time.
That night, we watched Home Alone, and my dad read the Christmas story out of the Bible. We were so tired we didn’t even read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.
The baby was up at 2:00 and she usually sleeps through the night so we are chalking it up to being in a different environment and an over stimulating travel day. She was up again at 7:00, so we knew we had a 1.5-2 hour window to eat breakfast and open gifts before her first nap. Christmas day is also my mom’s birthday, so we had a lot to celebrate!
Emma did great while we opened gifts. She even got a few of her own.
We all headed to my cousin’s house for lunch and got to see extended family.
After hanging out, eating, and opening gifts there, we headed back to my parents house for dinner and my mom opened her birthday gifts. My little Santa was wiped out and took a nap.
Friday morning, Bobby and I went for a ten mile run. It was pretty slow due to some tightness in my IT band and such, but we did it and I feel more confident about the Rock ‘n Roll New Orleans half marathon we are running next month.
Friday night we attended a neighbors annual Christmas party. Emma Kate only stayed for a few minutes and Bobby walked back home with her. Poor girl stayed tired and cranky for the past couple of days. SO many new houses, people, and a different routine really did her in.
Saturday it pretty much rained all day. My mom took my sister to the airport, and my dad and I ran some errands but other than that we hung out at the house playing with the baby.
That night, we drank champagne and played Buzz Word. It was incredibly entertaining. We played boys vs. girls, and of course my mom an I won. It was so much fun and a great way to spend our last evening.
Sunday we hung out at the house again, ate lunch and then loaded up the car and headed home. It was such a whirlwind and I cannot believe my favorite time of year is over so quickly. I grossly underestimated just how fast it would fly by with a baby! I can’t wait until next year when she will be more aware of what is going on. It’s going to be fun! I’m already ready for it!
QOTD: What was your favorite part of Christmas 2014?

love the big christmas bow!!! we had lots of family time (and chinese food) on christmas (jews, here lol)
What a lovely weekend. I love the entry way to your parents house. So festive! Little Emma Kate is quite the beauty. Hopefully she’s getting back on her usual schedule now & doing a little better! Happy [belated] birthday to your Mom!
Looks like your family and EK had a great first Christmas! It definitely gets more fun each year as they get older! I agree with you…it went by way too fast!
Looks like you had a great Christmas! EK is growing so fast! I hope she gets back on her normal schedule. I hear ya about the Christmas decoration depression. Ugh, i dont like looking at the decoratios anymore. Makes me sad!
I love watching Emma Kate get more and more expressive! And your family photos are so cute!
Looks like you guys had a great Christmas!
What an amazingly beautiful little family you have there girlie!
What a fun Christmas!