Happy 2022! A new year is here, and being the enneagram 3 that I am, loves this time of year because it’s full or promise, goal setting, and dreaming. Before I dive into 2022 on another post, I wanted to give a quick Christmas recap. I admit I had a good laugh a few times over the holiday. Back at the end of October, my parents moved to the mountains near Knoxville, TN. I announced it on IG stories, but I know a lot of people missed it or simply don’t watch stories so they didn’t know. When I posted pics of their house, the golf course and mountains in the backyard etc., I had THREE people ask if I was going to share the link for this rental house/air b&b etc. when we left. Dead. I laughed so hard. I told my parents they may could make some money having guests come and stay in the guest rooms!
Seriously though, I love their new house, it’s beautiful and peaceful and we had a great holiday. We arrived on the 22nd and stayed for a week. It’s a 7.5 hour drive without stops and we lose an hour, so despite leaving at 8:30 am, we didn’t arrive until 6:00 pm/dark.
The next day, we just hung around the house. Going for walks, watching TV, Bobby and I both did a good amount of work, and Emma Kate made a gingerbread house and worked on a puzzle with me.
This was the really only cold day we had. It was in the 20’s the night we arrived and got up to the 50’s that day. The next days got to the 60’s and were great! On Christmas eve we made cookies, went for more walks, and my parent’s had friends over for dinner.
When Bobby saw my dad had on this blue shirt, he ran and put his on to mess with him. heh.
We did our usually traditions of milk and cookies for Santa, and read the Christmas story from the Bible as well as ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.
After Emma Kate was fast asleep, Santa came!
We all turned in and prepared for an early morning with a very excited little girl. We also ended up with a very nosy dog!
I love that Emma Kate is like me in that she wants the present opening to last forever, so we go slowly instead of just ripping into every gift.
Christmas is also my mom’s birthday! So it’s an extra special day.
After we opened everything, it was time for another tradition, mimosas and my breakfast casserole I make every year. It was actually warm enough to eat on the back porch.
I loved that we didn’t have anywhere to go, this meant I didn’t even have to get dressed! I stayed in comfy clothes all day for the first Christmas ever I believe, and it was awesome.
Since we had a later breakfast, we had a late lunch. My dad finished the turkey and it was time to eat!
We enjoyed a nice lunch, and everyone napped but me and EK (typical.) After that, we played and my mom, dad, Bobby, me and EK went for a walk. We watched football, and then my mom opened gifts and we sang happy birthday! It was leftovers for dinner (we weren’t even hungry!) and we were sad to see the day end. It always goes so fast!
I realized we didn’t have any family pics from the day so we took one in our matching PJ’s.
Love this kid.
The next morning was a slow one, and my dad took my sister to the airport. My mom and I went on a nice long walk, and then we ate lunch outside and just chilled and played with Emma Kate. It was so nice and relaxing.
99% sure we went on another walk with EK and Dolly, and really just did a lot of nothing which was amazing. That night we loaded up in the golf cart with Santa hats and Christmas Mickey ears and went to look at Christmas lights. It was a fun memory.
Dolly came too but was not a fan of her ears. Don’t worry, we didn’t leave them on her.
The next day, Monday, my dad and Bobby golfed in the morning while my mom and I walked Emma Kate and Dolly to the playground. We went back and had lunch, and Bobby worked. We went out for Mexican for dinner, because we were all tired of leftover ham and turkey by this point! After dinner we had promised Emma Kate a fire, so that’s what we did. I love a good outdoor fire! The Saints played MNF so we stayed up late watching the game.
On Tuesday, our last day, Bobby and I both had some work to do in the morning, and then we headed right down the road to Ft. Loudon State Park. It’s beautiful there and we enjoyed seeing the fort!
Yes, you can take your dogs!
After we went back home, Bobby and I both did some work and then we all made s’mores.
We started packing up that evening so we could get up and get on the road the next morning. We were sad to go, but it rained all day which made it a little easier to leave. I drove of course (ha) and Bobby worked the whole way home. While sad Christmas was over and we had to leave my family, it was great to sleep in my own bed and see Bella (who stayed behind with my Mother in law, she doesn’t travel well in her old age.)
I hope your Christmas was as great as mine, and I leave you with the card we sent out. One last Merry Christmas to you, thanks for following along with ours. <3

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