WAHOOOO! I have officially been CLEARED to run again! I went to the doctor yesterday morning, and he said I could start back slowly as long as I didn’t have any pain. He said the pain I had after our last visit was probably a bruise from him pressing on it. I told him it was a different pain than the injury pain, and he said “was it dull and achy” and I said yyeesssss! That’s EXACTLY how I was going to describe it. Whew! glad to know I’m not crazy (well, not for that reason at least. )
A HUGE thanks to everyone for being so sweet and supportive. I know I whined and threw a pity party in the beginning, but I was being honest, which I find to be so valuable here on RWS (and everywhere!) So that’s for sticking with me, now hopefully we can get back to our regularly scheduled run-blogging.
So, to start, I am going to start slow with just a mile or so, slow running, maybe walking a little, then move to 2, 3, etc. My fears are not over though…one of my biggest ones is that I will start running and it will start hurting again….praying it doesn’t!
please don’t fail me now, foot!
So, to celebrate I did two things. First, I got a massage (thank you Christmas special at the massage place!) and second….I agreed to run the Rouge Orleans relay on an all girl’s team EEEPP! Remember the post I did on Hood to Coast where I talked about it? it’s actually going to be a reality and I could not be more thrilled! I figure it will be a good way to get back into things because no leg is longer than six miles, and it’s all flat (running on the levee) so I think I can handle six at a time by mid February.
I will be running with friends and fellow bloggers Katie and Kristyn, as well as some ladies I have yet to meet (6 of us total) We are going to have FUN!
SO….who watched the Bachelor on Monday? WOW that girl Jenna…I can’t believe she got a rose! I was excited to see a blogger make the show….aaannddd then I was embarrassed for her…she is giving bloggers a bad name. Please already think we are nuts, we don’t NEED help here. Did you watch? What were your thoughts?
QOTD: -Thoughts on the Bachelor?
-Have you ever run a relay like Rouge Orleans or Hood to Coast?

Congrats on being able to run again! What an answered prayer!!!
Wahoooo! That’s awesome, so glad you got the good news! I’m nervous to go to the doctor for my foot pain I’ve been experiencing for fear that he’ll tell me I can’t run… 🙁 I have too many races that I’m already signed up and paid for to take much time off!
You need to go! Trust me, it’s WAY better to be out for a few weeks and miss a few races then to hurt it so badly you have to have surgery and are out for 9 months. (this happened to a patient of my dr.’s) please please go see your dr. it’s not worth it, you only get two feet! 🙂
So excited to be running RougeOrleans with you! We are going to have a blast! Now to work out a team name, van decorations, outfits—you know, all that important stuff 🙂
Yay for being cleared!! I look forward to getting inspiration from your blog as you get back into running!
aw you are so sweet. thanks for reading!
Yay for the all clear! Definitely ease back into it nice and slow.
Haven’t done a relay yet, but one of these days, maybe…
I’m so glad you can run again! And SO exciting about the relay! I’d love to do one of those someday 🙂
We should do one together one day!
Congrats on your recovery! I bet you were super excited yesterday.
Rouge Orleans sounds like a blast. I’ve never run a relay but am looking to do Ragnar up here in NY in the Adirondacks 9/29-30. I need a team first, though. 🙂
The Bachelor was ridiculous! They’re all crazy. Jenna HAS to be a producer’s pick to keep in interesting. That’s my theory.
You need to do a relay! I hope you find a team!
That is fantastic, just go slow and do it right. Congrats on no longer being one of the walking dead errrrr ooppps injured runner 😉
Glad to have you back.
Haha. I am so tired of being injured hopefully it was my last!
Awesome, awesome, AWESOME news! So glad you can get back out on the road again! I cannot wait to get the all clear to start running again after baby comes. Like you, I’ll be starting out slow, probably doing a C25K program to make sure I don’t overdo it. All the best on that first run back!
Sounds like you have a good plan!
i knew they were going to put jenna on there! they showed her wayyy too often to kick her off. she was a hot mess!! congrats on being cleared:) and i would love to do a relay, im thinking about ragnar out in las vegas this year!
I def think she was a plant by the show. Very interested to see where this goes!
Congrats and how exciting!!! I’m sure you’re going to make an amazing comeback =) A relay sound SO fun!!!! I;d love to do one in the future!!!
Hey! I just found your blog a few days ago, so I am a bit late to the party about your injury. I am glad to hear it is better. I trained for a 5k at the end of 2011. The week of my race, I fell down my hardwood stairs and fractured my ankle. I took a month off from running and started back yesterday. It feels great to be back!! I am terrified of reinjuring my foot, as well. Good luck!
Oh my goodness talk about bad timing! congrats on starting back, and so glad you found my blog!
What great news!! I’m so happy for you. Wow!!! A relay? How exciting.
I know! it’s going to be so fun!
Good luck with the Rouge-Orleans. I did it last year and had a blast. I’m also doing the 6 person team again this year as a co-ed team!!! Maybe I’ll see you out there on the course!!!
sweet! I must admit I am afraid of the cows!!! But am excited.
Yea, the cattle grates are dangerous, so be careful when crossing. Other than that it’s a blast. I made some cinnamon apple chex mix for my team last year and basically lived on that the whole 16-17 hours!!! Shower and nap afterwards were the best.
so are the grates on the actual levee? to keep them from going across? I am petrified of getting chased by a cow.
Yea the grates are on the levee…you just have to walk across them and be careful if it’s slick out because the holes are big enough for your foot to go in. I didn’t have to deal with too many cows last year…you’ll be fine, haha. I actually had more problems with dogs. On my third or fourth leg, 2 dogs from across the street ran up the levee and started barking at me. I stopped and stood still and then they ran away back down the levee.
I know I’m way behind on reading blogs but I wanted to say HOORAY for being cleared! I can only imagine how excited you are!