Good morning! I am finally HOME! After two weeks of being all over the place, I got to sleep in my own bed last night! I will be attempting to get my blogging and life back to normal, so if you have emailed, tweeted, etc. to me, I’m not ignoring you just trying to catch up. A couple of things you may have missed yesterday:
runDisney announced the new medals for the Disneyland half marathon weekend, and I am hosting a giveaway for a $100 visa gift card!
I still have a lot to share from the press event, my cruise, and time in Walt Disney World, but I will be spacing those posts out with some other things. I also wanted to post a few runDisney related photos from the press event. I got to chat with Faron Kelley at the trade show, and actually hold the new coast to coast medal. It’s so beautiful in person! I have never run Tink, but would LOVE to have the opportunity this year!
I got to chat with some of the runDisney team including Faron Kelley about the new Princess half weekend changes. A super great guy, it was a fun chat as usual. He has such a passion for runDisney.
Faron Kelley and myself at the press event
I got to hold the medal, drool!
What a beautiful sight.
Isn’t it pretty? Hopefully it will be mine! Where’s that money tree?
QOTD: Do you prefer the new coast to coast or the old one? What is your favorite runDisney medal?

I loved the Tinkerbell medal. I ran it the inaugural year and was so memorized by how Tink flipped around. This past year I ran Goofy and quickly became enamored with the marathon medal. Every medal is so unique and well I just love them all equally 🙂
I love this years marathon medal!
I wish I loved the new Coast to Coast but I really prefer the old one! However, after getting two of the old ones, I just may have to branch out! It must have been really fun to see all those medals up close!
I think I love the dumbo medal most and the glass slipper second!
you have seen the glass slipper medal?
Ooh I like it! I can’t wait to get my first coast to coast medal this year!
I love the new medal! I was already planning on running both Tink and PHM so I am excited that there is something new and fun about this accomplishment! It makes it really special! 🙂 I am super excited to run Tink as I have never been to Disneyland! It will be a whole new experience!! 🙂
now I HAVE to run tink!
I am hoping to Coast to Coast in 2014 with the marathon and Tink, but I’m not really a pink person, so I would opt for the regular medal. My one and only runDisney medal is Tink (which was fantastic and you should totally do!), but I have a feeling Dumbo is going to take over in September!! 🙂
I am dying to do tink!
I actually liked the older c2c best with the year dangle (I got one in 2009). but, I still would like to add the pink one to my collection!
my favorite rundisney medal to date is this year’s 20th anniversary Mickey. it is a gorgeous, huge, spinning medal with Mickey..
what’s not to love? 🙂
my favorite too!
Love! I must get these one day!
Did you get a look at the new 10k medal? Or has it even been revealed yet? Looking forward to that since it will (hopefully) be my first 10k and my first Disney run!
the DL 10K or WDW 10k? the WDW 10k hasn’t been released yet
You look so cute in your glasses! Sadly I have never run a Disney race, but hopefully one day!! Sure wish I had gotten into running when I actually LIVED in Orlando!!
lol I hate my glasses I never wear them!
A girl can dream, can’t she? lol
I have only been able to do Wine & Dine last year – which I loved! But the 20th Anniversary WDW Marathon is amazing!
Looking forward to doing the Glass Slipper challenege next yr! Would also like to one year be able to do coast-to-coast, but don’t see that happening next year as of yet.
Do you know if the pink C2C is for the Tink/Princess only? I am glad I am completing this year’s C2C for a regular medal… my boyfriend was really excited to get one and he would be mad if it was pink! LOL
yes the pink is just for those two!