This was my third year running the Crescent City Classic, and this year was by far the most enjoyable.
Last year I was going for a PR, so I was really stressed out the entire time and didn’t have as much fun. This year, being pregnant, there was no chance of a PR so Bobby and I decided to just take it easy, enjoy the course, and take lots of photos. I am so glad we did, we had a blast and got to see several blogger friends as well.
We stayed the weekend at my parents about 35 minutes from the race start in downtown New Orleans, so we woke up at 5:15 so we would have plenty of time to drive over to the race.
Gorgeous sunrise on the way across the lake.
We parked at the Superdome, and hung out in Champions Square while we waited to meet up with some other bloggers.
We had to go through a security checkpoint to get to this area and the corrals, but luckily we were there early so there were no lines.
Panera Bread and Community Coffee were both set up in the square with free cinnamon bagels and coffee for the runners. The weather was great, a little chilly to start but it definitely warmed up!
We met up with some blends, and before we realized it the race was about to start so we had to dodge and weave to get into our corral.
Larisa, Jen, me and Nicole.
Just 25,000 of my closest friends.
We hit the starting line, crossed over the timing mat, and were off on a 6.2 mile adventure! We started in front of the Superdome then headed towards the French Quarter down Decatur.
As soon as we started running, I immediately had to go to the bathroom even though I went when we arrived at the race. I knew this would happen, and kept my eyes open for a good time to stop. I knew we were coming up on some well hidden public restrooms, so we ran as I looked, and before I knew it we were passing St. Louis Cathedral.
Then we passed the always delicious Café du Monde.
Finally I spotted the bathroom, and luckily there was no one even in there, hooray! I felt much better after that and we continued on through the quarter.
We turned onto Esplanade, which is a great street to run on because it is entirely shaded by huge beautiful trees.
I loved looking at all the old homes, and there were so many spectators cheering us on!
We passed one of my favorite sights on the course, free beer and breakfast! Oh, the breakfast is alligator sausage. Only in New Orleans my friends.
I passed on the sausage and beer, but a lot of people were taking it!
These folks had free mimosas. Yum. If only I wasn’t pregnant I would be all over that!
The miles were ticking away, and soon we were coming off of this street and out into the sun towards the park and the Museum of Art. I remembered these last couple miles being tough because there is no shade and no great scenery to look at. We took a few walk breaks because I didn’t want to get overheated.
We made it into the park, and had a mile to go. The Saints mascot gumbo and the new New Orleans Pelican mascot were out at the mile 5 water stop, so of course this girl had to get a “character photo.”
We were in the home stretch as we passed the museum of art. Only .3 to go!
We rounded a corner to the last .2, which I love. It’s a gorgeous oak tree lined street. I kicked it in and we pushed hard to the finish.
We did it! Our time was 1:19. Definitely my slowest 10k and over 20 minutes off my PR, but also my most fun 10k! I felt very accomplished especially with how I had been feeling. I took two Tylenol before the race to help with the round ligament pain, and it definitely helped a lot. I was still uncomfortable but it was bearable.
We walked a good bit to make it to the entrance to the race fest, and got our medals before heading in.
Runners got in free, and spectators were only $5 which is a great deal if you ask me, all the Jambalaya, red beans and rice, and beer you can drink, plus live music!
Before we headed to the VIP tent we had to go find where to pick up our race shirts since we didn’t go to the expo, and we stopped off for some grub.
There were people EVERYWHERE.
We made it to the tent to discover lots of amazing food and drinks for us. We enjoyed having a shady place to hang out and eat with my blogger buddies and all recap our race experiences.
Bobby put his name down for a free massage, too.
Melanie, Me, Larisa, Mindy, and Holly in the VIP area after the race.
We got a text from some other friends to meet up out in the main area, so we went out to chat and for more picture taking!
We stayed about two hours after the race just hanging out, then decided it was time to head back. I was hoping since we had stayed so long the bus line would be shorter…I was wrong. This is my only complaint about this race. Since we parked downtown, we had to take a shuttle back to the Superdome after the race, and we waited in line 31 minutes just to get on a bus, and I was so tired and ready to be on our way home. They had several busses lined up but were only loading one or two at a time, I’m not sure why there weren’t more volunteers loading up 5 or 6 busses at a time. Honestly other than that the race was perfect, so it’s really my only complaint! Maybe next year we will park at the finish and shuttle to the start instead so we can leave right after.
All in all we had a great time and the weather could not have been more perfect. If you are looking for a laid back, fun New Orleans race this is for you. You definitely get your money’s worth, and get to experience a New Orleans after party as well as running through some great parts of the city! Not to mention it is an EXTREMLY flat and fast course, great for a PR. I can’t wait for next year, I won’t be missing this race.
QOTD: What us your favorite thing to see at a race after party?

Sounds like you had a great time! You tank is adorable! 🙂
Karen @karenlovestorun
Great photos – I LOVE your shirt! This race sounds like a blast, especially the after party!
it was!
My favorite thing at a post race party is free red beans, Cheewees and beer. That’s what I love about the Classic. They have the best post race food.
Yes they do!
Wow- this sounds like a really fun race! The final turn onto that oak street looks gorgeous. Plus- some shade!
shade was def good!
I can eat right away after a 5k or 10k and all that food sounds so good. I like a good selection of food after the shorter distances.
me too!
I cannot believe it still took that long for the shuttle! Ack! So glad we parked at City Park then. I’ll definitely do that again next year. Great pics and race recap! As always, so wonderful to see you guys!
ya I was so hoping they would have fixed that this year!
Sounds like you had a great time! I have to say, I had a Philadelphia style soft pretzel as one of the runner food options after a recent race and LOVED that. I’m petitioning for Mickey Pretzels in our RunDisney runner boxes!
oh yummy!
You looked adorable with your bunny ears and cute baby bump! It looks like it was a perfect day for a race, and hearing that it was a flat course I’m sure made it even better. If I lived closer to New Orleans I’d definitely make it a priority to run this race!
I had to wear the ears, its tradition!
This race is super fun but I think there was a mix up in the corral starts. We were in Corral E and out other friend was in Corral G. As we were running we caught up with her at mile 3. That was weird since she should have been behind us the whole time. We had to dodge lots of walkers so it was hard to run. I ran the race faster than last year but not my best. All in all it was fun but the walkers in front of us that wanted to run was a bummer. Glad you had a good time. Take care of that sweet baby.
I was in the green corral and there were people from red and purple in my corral and we had tons of walkers to weave around even up there, so it wasn’t much better unfortunately. They need to do like disney and check bibs upon entering maybe!
We did have fun, hope you did too!
Heather, I have always enjoyed the race recap of the Crescent City Classic. It looks like such a fun race. It’s funny that you are wearing that Running for 2 tank because I saw that on a gal during my race in Atlantic City earlier this month and I was going to take a picture of it and send it to you, but then I thought that might be weird!
too funny! and def not weird!
Your shirt is adorable! 🙂
Looks like a HUGE crowd for a 10k!
its such a huge race, I love that so many locals come out and even just walk it!
Aren’t you adorable?! Glad you had a great time at the race!
thanks friend!
You look adorable! Love the tank. Looks like an awesome race 🙂
This is definitely one of my favorite races! Can’t wait until next year! So glad we got to hang out afterwards!