One month left of 2012! Aaaannnddd then it will take me until the middle of next year to remember to write 2013 instead of 2012! I was literally gone for 16 days out of this month, then 3 for Thanksgiving, so I was barely home in November so i can’t believe it’s time for another month of goals! First let’s look back at my November goals and see how I did.
1.) Vlog More: Let’s shoot low this time, I want to vlog at least ONE TIME in November. There.
Grade: (A-) I vlogged ONE time this month! I know it was my goal to only do one but I really should do more.
2.) Be happy: There are some crazy things going on in my life right now that have caused me some discouragement, and I am working on being happy despite my circumstances.
Grade: (B-) In all honestly I have good days and bad days. I have been feeling very overwhelmed with some things i have going on, and some days I handle it really well and have joy despite my circumstances…but some days I crack under the pressure and have a mini freak out.
3.) Secret goal. Yup. Pulling this one again. Trust me when I say I want to tell you guys SO BADLY. So let’s pray this one happens in November.
Grade: (F-) Is an F minus even a real grade? Sigh. I really hoped November was it (and for those wondering, no we are not trying to get pregnant.)
4.) Get at least half my Christmas shopping done. No waiting until the last minute. Let’s get it done before the crazies come out with their less than stellar Christmas spirit!
Grade: (A+) I only have a couple more gifts to buy, I am almost DONE with my shopping! Woo hoo! I knocked out a lot on Black Friday and then some more on cyber Monday.
December goals:
1.) Enjoy the Christmas season. It seems some years I get so wrapped up in the business of the holidays that I don’t actually take the time to enjoy it and remember the real reason we celebrate.
2.) Figure out what’s wrong with my health. I am hoping December will be the month I get some answers to my health issues. I would like to start off 2013 healthy!
3.) Be more thankful. I have really been working on being thankful for the things I have instead of focusing on the things I want to change in my life. It’s tough sometimes but I am trying!
4.) Successfully finish my Goofy training. I am quite the injury prone runner, so I am focusing on finishing up my training for the runDisney Goofy’s race and a half challenge injury free so I can finish with a smile on my face!
Here’s to a successful December and finishing out 2012 with a bang!
*Today is the LAST DAY to use code RPAHeather and save $30 on the Woman’s Half Marathon or 10k that is in Baton Rouge next weekend! Or, save $5 on the 5k. Take advantage of these savings! The medal is awesome with a removable charm, you will get a nice gym bag for your “goodie bag” at the expo, and all photos taken on the course will be able to be downloaded FOR FREE after the race!
QOTD: Do you have any goals for December? Name one!

I love the “get happy” and the “enjoy the Christmas season” goals. So important! 🙂 Good luck figuring out that health stuff!
Good luck! Hope everything in December goes as planned.
Good luck! I keep hoping all is okay with you… and yes… I was also wondering if you were trying to get pregnant!
My December goal is to add 30 minutes more physical activity to each and every day! That way I can indulge in some Xmas treats…
Follow my progress on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #30FOR30
Good for you for rockin’ the Christmas shopping goal – I haven’t even started… and probably won’t until next Sunday!
thanks! It makes me sad when it ges close to Christmas and shoppers start to get mean, so i try to avoid!
My goal for December is to get 7 servings of fruit/veggies in a day. It will be a struggle but I’m going to go for it.
You have great goals. There is a ton to be thankful for! Life IS good.
Good luck on ALL of your December goals and congrats on the November ones that you conquered!
I guess my biggest December goal should be to start my training for the Princess Half marathon in Feb. that I SHOULD have started in October! 🙂
And thank you for featuring me on your blog last week!
Great goals – good luck! My biggest goal? To get back on track with working out.
Goofy training is definitely on my on December goals too! That and study for (and hopefully pass!) my yoga teacher certification test!
you will do great!
Surprisingly, I have quite a few goals for myself this month. I want so badly to not worry if everything is “perfect” this Christmas season. My oldest will be graduating at the end of this school year and I want to enjoy every moment. I am also working hard to workout with weights and stretching at least 3x a week. I seem to have small injuries from muscle imbalances often so I want to fix that this winter before my running season heats up! Good luck to everyone with their goals.
I totally agree with enjoying Christmas! good luck!