Everyone wants their life to matter. We all want to think that we are doing some sort of good in the world, and the one day when we are long gone, someone will remember us and think fondly for our achievements.
This summer at church, we have been going through a series called Difference Makers. We have had pastors from all over the world come and speak, and it has been an amazing learning experience. Yesterday was the final day, and the speaker did a wonderful job of wrapping up the series and bringing the main points home.
He talked about the mustard seed, and how small but mighty it is. I had never seen a full grown mustard plant/tree, but wow they can be HUGE! When you think about how small a tiny mustard seed is, it is quite a feat that it can grow to be so large. Just like that little seed, if we can make one tiny difference in someone’s life, we may never know the huge impact it can have on others.
Over the years I have said time and time again that with this blog, I am to inspire, encourage, and motivate. It may seem so small and insignificant, but if it helps someone become a better version of themselves, then it has all been worth it to me. That is also what prompted me to write my book, in hopes that I could spread my message even further.
Don’t ever think that you are too small, too average, to insignificant to matter in someone else’s life. You may never see tangible evidence of your work in this life, but that doesn’t mean you should stop trying or that what you are doing doesn’t matter. Some days are harder than others, but what I have is hope. Hope that we can together make the world a better place. Hope that I can somehow make someone’s life easier, more full, or a better place. Hope that leads others to smile, and that it will become contagious. Some days life is just plain hard, but you, me, all of us, we can make a difference, but we have to actually START.
So, how can you make a difference, today, with something as tiny as a mustard seed. Can you speak a kind word to a bully at your workplace? Can you pray for someone who has wronged you, bring a meal to a single mom and her family, or pay for someone’s lunch? It may seem simple to you, but it could truly mean the world. All you have to do is take a step of faith and get a little uncomfortable, then take the next step and the next. I encourage you today to think of a way you can make a small difference in someone’s life, and then DO IT! I truly believe if it is something you are supposed to do, that God will give you the strength, courage, and words.
The world could use more difference makers, so let’s all join ranks and do it together. Who knows who you will end up helping, touching, or saving.
QOTD: When is the last time you felt called to do something nice for someone? A simple act? What happened after that?
RELATED: The Average Girl’s Guide to Living an Above Average Life

Sounds like a great series! I’ve never seen a full grown mustard plant before so I had to google it…wow! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
I love this because I really have revamped my definition of success these past few years thanks to this notion.
Success really is making ONE other persons life easier. <3
Great insight! As a teacher I often wonder if there is anything i’ve said or done that has made a difference for someone.
haha I felt that way when I used to teach
Sounds like an awesome series! I try to always talk and really listen to people in their workplace (like cashiers at the grocery store, baristas at Starbucks, etc). I can see their eyes light up when they realize I’m not just asking them how they are out of habit but because I genuinely care!