Good morning! I am busy again working the expo, and race day is today! Say a prayer for me if you think about it, my legs are going to be DEAD! But I am smiling!!!
Ok, so let’s move on with some more Disney fun, shall we? Sunday morning, we woke up and had breakfast in the lounge. I love how bright our room was in the mornings! (Note Bobby still asleep. I may or may not have annoyed him by opening all the windows. heh.)
Good morning Disney!
Our plan was to head to the pool for a couple of hours, then go over to the Boardwalk to the ESPN club to watch the Saints/Bears game. The pool was nice and quiet and we easily found chairs.
We relaxed for a while, then it was time to shower and get ready for the WHO DATS! Self timer picture, GO!
We drove over to the Boardwalk (Did I mention I LOVE having my own car in WDW?) and we got to the BW and saw a HUGE line outside the ESPN Club…and we were 20 minutes early. hhmm… we found out there was no line to get into the bar area, so we go in and find a seat along the wall in some chairs (no table) and try to make sense of the madness. There are about 35 TV’s, and we are trying to figure out which one is the Saints. We were told the Saints game was going to be on the Big TV in the dining room area (where there was the long line) so I was not happy. I almost had a freak out….so we decided to go stand in the line and just hope we got a table at some point. LUCKILY, they had big TV’s for the people standing in line and guess what? The SAINTS game was on WITH audio!!! We stood in line the entire first quarter but I was fine because I still got to watch!
We finally got a table and I was SO excited, there were a lot of Saints and Bears fans in there, it was really electrifying to be in there with all those people watching the game!
It was already 2:30 and we had appetizers in the lounge at 5, so we decided to just order some nachos. Oh, cheesy goodness!
We ended up killing the Bears, it was a really fun game and a fun way to watch! I like how they don’t rush you out because obviously, you are there to watch the game!
QOTD: What do you do when your sports team is playing but you are on vacation?
Enter my Adora Calcium giveaway!