A new week is before us! What fun things do you have planned? Me? Not a lot so far, but I am working on it!
In case you have been MIA this weekend…
Disney Dream part 4
Ice Cream Party and TNT
Ok ok, so those of you loathing the Disney posts can now rejoice, this is my last recap day of the trip. We woke up on the morning of our last full day back in Castaway Cay (well, pulling in, close enough.) We ate breakfast at the buffet (I think) and made our way out to the island.
my dad pretending to steal the golf cart. We didn’t want to wait for the tram!
Hello Serenity Bay, so we meet again!
lots of relaxing ensued
we read books, Bobby swam out to the sandbar, we walked on the beach, and once again, Bobby and I met at Pelican Point for some beach volleyball. We had a great time playing two on two with two other guys who were pretty good. Before we knew it, it was getting deserted, and we realized we needed to be on the boat in the next 15 minutes. whoops! I am always sad on Castaway Cay afternoon. When everything is shutting down and you are walking the empty paths. Means vacation is almost over. BOO!
So we get back on the ship and my mom is freaking out because we weren’t back yet and she thought the ship was going to leave us. I told her to think about how ridiculous it sounds for Disney to leave a guest on their own private island. ha!
We took some shots of the island with my stalker- I mean mega zoom lens.
we went to the show, then came back and had a friend waiting for us.
We decided to get dressed and go out on the deck and take some pictures.
the wind was blowing like crazy!
We were back in Animator’s Palate for our last dinner.
Dessert was so yummy, baked Alaska and the celebration cake.
We went to bed after we put our luggage in the hall. We had to get up at 5:30 for breakfast. When we woke up we were back in port. So sad! We ate breakfast in Animator’s, said goodbye to our servers and our room host, and got in line to get off the ship. There were so many people trying to get off, it took forever! We made it out and to the car, and back home safe and sound, and exhausted! Just like that, the trip we planned a year ago….was over. SO DEPRESSING!
Ok, so having been on the magic for a 7 nighter, the wonder for a 5 night double dip and now the Dream for a 5 night double dip, I have a few thoughts on the new ship, the Dream.
The ship is gorgeous! The lobby is amazing, the technology SO COOL. I love how now the in room movie system is a lot better (on demand instead of looped) and everything smelled so clean! This was on first time in a verandah room and we loved it. The restaurants were beautiful enchanted garden was so nice, the food was good, and plentiful, it was very ascetically pleasing. We loved how they revamped Cabanas, the buffet. It was much roomier and easier to get food. Instead waiting in a line you pop in and out to get what you want. All the crew members were very kind and pleasant enough. We got to see Pirates of the Caribbean 4 in 3D, so that was fun. The aquaduck was also way cool. I like how they separated the fireworks from the pirate show so we could go up just to see the fireworks. I loved looking at all of the intricate details of the ship So many things to see!
Too many people for this gal. If you have never been on another Disney ship you may not notice, but the pool deck and restaurants felt VERY cramped. The adult pool was TINY, and because of where it was positioned on the ship, families with kids were always walking though, which kind of defeats the purpose if you ask me. The tables in the restaurants were SO close together, the servers couldn’t even get by to get us our food. Our serving team was SO SWEET, we loved them, but our head girl, it was her first cruise ever to be head server. She forgot a lot of our food, dropped food, service was slow, drink glasses stayed empty, all things we have never experienced before on a Disney cruise. me thinks maybe she wasn’t quite ready for the promotion. We had to wait in a line to get off the ship, never have we had to do that before. Serenity Bay was of course a lot more crowded because of all the extra people, and I could feel it. It wasn’t quite as “serene” with so many people. The fitness room was right over my parents room and they heard weights being dropped and treadmills being run on all hours of the day. Granted, none of these things are deal breakers, and we still had a great time, so if you are booked on the Dream please don’t freak out! You will still have an amazing time! These are just a few HONEST observations I had on my 3rd Disney cruise. I wish they would make a smaller boat with all the new technological advances. I think for adults with no kids, they will start going back on the magic and wonder. The kids clubs are awesome, but apparently super awesome on the Dream so I don’t see any of this being a deal breaker to people with kids. I was definitely amazed at the technology and beauty of the Dream, but just got a little anxious with all the people, but I know that doesn’t even bother some people, so take it with a grain of salt, mmk?
Would I go on the Dream again? of COURSE!! Thanks for reading all about my vacation!
QOTD: Do big crowds bother you? Have you sailed with Disney?

I had a lot of similar feelings about the Dream. I couldn’t even tell it was any bigger honestly! We liked the spa a lot more though and the food options.
Wow, GREAT pictures from your trip! thanks for sharing! and I take pictures of pretty bathrooms too! 🙂
I want to go on the Dream, but maybe I will just enjoy the west coast Wonder for now… 😉 …like TOMORROW!!! WOOHOO!!!!!
I am not a fan of crowds either. Like festivals and concerts when there are sooooo many people and I am too short to see anything but people’s back sweat. Ekkk.
HILARIOUS! I dont have the short problem 😛
So sad the Disney posts are over 🙁
Crowds REALLY bother me (and then it bothers me when it doesn’t bother the other people I’m with lol). I try to remember to be patient and I’m on vacation, but I really just try to vacation to places when I know there won’t be a ton of people.
So I am guessing you dont go to Disney much lol!
I’ve enjoyed reading your recap of your cruise. A Disney Cruise is on our short list of vacations to take! Thanks for taking the time to write up your experience!
thanks for reading it! You would love the cruise!
Hi Heather…I am sad the Disney posts are over. I am a Disney fool and loved every detail. I haven’t been to Disneyworld since I was a teen but we go to Disneyland constantly. I even worked as a conductor on the steam trains about 11 years ago! I’m a little bummed today because I missed a curb at Dis yesterday while participating in a scavenger hunt/quiz challenge (similar to mouseadventure) and sprained my foot badly. I hears such a loud crack that I was convinced I broke something! Had to spend the rest of my day in a wheelchair as I couldn’t put any pressure on it! X rays today showed it wasn’t broken but all working out on hold and I have to wear the boot! Nothing more frustrating than being trapped to the bed with foot elevated and iced! Trying to keep positive. Always love your blog!
oh my goodness! yikes! so sorry!!
Thanks for sharing so many pictures and thoughts from your trip! Sounds like a fantastic time, and it was fun to get to experience a small part of it through you!
that water is stunning and your vacation sounds like it was amazing thanks for sharing 🙂
Put me in with the group that is sad the Disney posts are over! It is nice to hear a review of a Disney cruise from adults! No kids in my near future, but I’d still like to do a Disney cruise.
Where did you get your polka dot dress? I love it!!
I got it last spring at Target, and I added the belt myself. I love it!
I love your Disney posts! I just go through reading several of them and I look forward to more in the future. I was just on the Fantasy for the week of Memorial Day and it was fabulous. I’m sure you know already since you’re a TA but the Magic and the Wonder are going to be put in dry dock for massive upgrades to make them as high tech as the Dream and Fantasy. I can’t wait to see what they do with them!
thanks for reading! When we were on the magic in May (our 2nd on her) we were both saying she needed some TLC. I love the smaller ships, but do miss the technology the two new ones have.