Did you miss part 5? check it out then come back here!
We were headed back to port, but still had two sea days ahead of us. We found out Santa was going to be taking photos in the lobby that morning, so of course that was our first stop.

She signed the nice list (I wasn’t so sure about that ha) and got to meet the big guy.

They even had a cute table set up with cookies.

After that, Emma Kate went to the kids club because Bobby and I had a reservation for one of our favorite things, PALO brunch!

We had a table with a great view and we ate all. of. the. food. It was amazing as usual, something I would never miss on a Disney cruise!

After brunch, we picked up Emma Kate from the club, got in our swimsuits and went to the pool. It was a bit chilly but EK didn’t seem to mind.

Before we knew it, it was time for pictures and dinner again!

We ran into Mickey in the hallway and he grabbed Emma Kate’s hand and walked around with her, and she was SO excited. I love how the character

We were in Tiana’s again, and it still remains my favorite restaurant of the three!

After a delicious dinner, EK went back to the club and Bobby and I played foosball and ping pong on the pool deck. We were the only ones up there and it was a lot of fun. We had one more day coming up, and that one would end on a low note, so stay tuned to see what happend.

[…] Missed part 6? Check it out here. […]