Missed part 6? Check it out here.
One last day of our cruise, and honestly guys, the day time part, I really can’t remember! This is why I used to take notes when I did lots of trip reports! It was a sea day, and the water was a bit rough. I know we went to the pool because occasionally the lifeguard would make all the kids stand up since the water in the pool was whitecapping and it made it hard to see the kids. (Photo below of them all standing up).

It was chilly, way too cold for me to swim, but of course the kids didn’t mind. I really don’t remember what else we did that day. I am sure Emma Kate went to the kids club at some point, and I probably read a book or took a nap, I’m very good at those things.

That night we took photos one last time before heading in to dinner.

We said our farewells to our dining team at dinner, and I just wasn’t very hungry. I was served a big piece of chicken and I barely ate, it just didn’t seem appetizing to me.

We brought EK to the club one more time, and I told Bobby I didn’t feel great and just wanted to stay in the room. My stomach felt upset and full, but I wasn’t nauseated. It was a strange feeling, I knew something wasn’t right. EK had been given a gift that was left on our bed, and she was so excited to open her new DUmbo stuffed animal when we picked her up from the club.

At this point I was feeling worse and worse, but I was able to fall asleep. Then I woke up an hour later feeling very sick to my stomach, and let’s just say I felt SO much better after being able to throw up in the sink. (don’t judge, it is what it is.) I laid back down and took an anti nausea pill that thankfully our doctor had given to us before we left. I barely slept all night, and was wondering how I was going to get off the ship in the morning. I felt like death when we woke up, but thankfully we had put our luggage out the night before so we didn’t have a lot to pack up. Bobby took Emma Kate to breakfast while I tried to get dressed and composed. I dry heaved a couple times but never threw up again, but I felt miserable and nauseated and weak. I still to this day don’t know how I managed to get out of bed, get dressed, and help carry bags to the lobby and wait in line to get off the ship, through customs, and to the car. I slept most of the way home in the car, and only ate crackers and rice for four or five days. Then I was finally able to start eating more food but it took way longer than I anticipated. Come to find out several people in our cruise FB group had norovirus, so I’m guessing I picked it up on the ship. I’m so careful with hand washing, so thinking maybe it happened when someone prepared my food? We aren’t really sure, and obviously it could happen to anyone on any cruise line. I’m just so thankful it happened the last day because like I said, I was laid up and not eating for four or five days after. So obviously I have no photos from the last morning or getting off the ship.
We love cruising and DCL, but I think I am done cruising in winter. There is a higher chance for rough waters, gloomy and cold weather, and norovirus in the winter months. We have now missed Castaway Cay twice and both times in winter, so now I feel like I need a “redo” cruise in the spring or summer, especially since Emma Kate missed my favorite part, Castaway Cay. We will be back, and we learned a lot about cruising with a kid. It was so fun to see things through her eyes, and she is already asking to go back. I’m so glad we got to go on a family vacation just the three of us last year!

I would love to answer your Disney cruise questions! heather@travelwiththemagic.com

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