The next leg of my runDisney Dopey Challenge journey was the 10k. I was excited for this race, because it was the first Disney World 10k, so this course was brand new.
(If you missed my 5k recap you can check it out as well).
Can you spot the bottom of my tail in the above pictures?
We started at the same place as the 5k in the EPCOT parking lot, at 5:30 in the morning. I was able to meet up with some buddies before the race began, something I didn’t get to do the morning of the 5k!
Bobby and I arrived earlier on this day and were able to get to the front of our corral. This REALLY helped as we were able to avoid some of that initial congestion getting out and onto the road.
We got towards the front of C but not right in the front because I didn’t want to get in anyone’s way starting out faster than me.
Also, since the course goes the opposite way of the 5k, the road opened up a lot sooner for this race which was really nice. We were out on a road quickly, and going under the overpass outside of EPCOT.
Our plan for this race was much like the 5k, no character stops, but still taking it at a comfortably easier pace so we had some gas left for the half and full. I would say we stopped off on the side to walk for about one minute every mile or so. I met some blog readers out on the course (hi guys!) it was so great to chat with everyone and hear everyone’s race stories so far.
I stopped and took a photo with Kathryn who spotted us out on the course. We chatted for a bit, she was running her first half marathon the next day (and she rocked it!)
I will say the first couple miles of the race were pretty boring. I loved the Disneyland 10k course, so I had high expectations. For those that ran the 5k it was a repeat as we ran through much of the same parts of EPCOT.
My favorite part of the course was the Boardwalk. It is gentler on my body, and was a nice change of scenery.
There were a ton of people out cheering along this part of the course, which we so appreciated! Lots of fun signs to read, and people lined up near the Boardwalk in and by the Yacht and Beach Club resorts. We made it back into EPCOT and towards the finish line again. We were almost there!
I couldn’t believe I still had two more days of crossing this finish line, it seemed so surreal at that point that I was actually in the middle of this crazy challenge.
It was just getting to be daylight when we crossed in 1:16:01.
Everyone kept saying we were “halfway” done, but as far as mileage goes, we weren’t even close to halfway. The early mornings were tough on me though, so I was quite happy to have two of the four 2:45 am wake up calls over with!
As we crossed the finish I ran into some of my buddies!
Jenn and Danielle
The boys
It was time to once again head back to shower, eat, and hit the parks. Two of four, done.
QOTD: Do you prefer the 5k or 10k race distance?

What a fun weekend!!
Personally I prefer the 5 k when running with the kids in the jogging stroller and the 10 k when running solo 🙂 .
Great recap! Looks like y’all had fun and I love that you ran into so many familiar faces out there!
So fun! You looked great. I love that the course goes through the Boardwalk area! Can’t wait to run it w/you next year! 🙂
LOL We shall see… 🙂
So glad I got to see you before the race!!!
Me, too. 🙂
Looks like so much fun! Love your costume!
Awesome! That’s true, two short races down does not equal two more longer ones to come! I’m jealous of the sleeveless tops and sweat…can’t wait for warm weather!
it was def. warm and humid for the races!
As a runner who prefers run-walk intervals, I prefer the 10k distance since a 5k is a bit too short to get into a good run-walk pattern.
It sounds like your 10k experience was a lot less frustrating than the 5k was. So glad we got to meet on the course!
Glad we met, too!
Yay for the Newsies!
I agree that I think I had high expectations for this race after Disneyland – the 10k there was awesome! Other than running down the Boardwalk (although I felt bad for the people staying in those rooms!) I really didn’t love this course at all.
P.S. – LOVE the pics of you guys running with Spaceship Earth in the background, those came out great!
Yes! We stayed in one of those rooms for wine and dine, I would not have been too happy to have cowbells outside my windows that early!
Haha, my thoughts exactly — people kept saying “you’re halfway done!” and it’s like….ehhh…not really. 🙂 Looks like you had a fun race and got lots of pictures, but I, too, was disappointed in this 10K after experiencing Disneyland!
I think the DL one was so epic it set the bar super high
For some reason I’ve always found the 5k to be a tougher distance than a 10k. I think I’d enjoy a 10k at DL better since so much of it is in the parks.
I LOVED that course!
10Ks … I really can get into my groove when they are a bit longer!
Ya it takes me forver to warm up!
I normally enjoy the 10Ks but haven’t done a Disney one yet! Your costume was cute! The newsies costumes were super creative. I’ve never seen that before!
Me either, they are so creative, and I love that movie!
You take such great race photos! I also come out looking like a stuffed sausage on legs.
Oh I had some bad ones I didn’t post!
I prefer a 5k distance to a 10k. And out of a 10k and a half marathon I’ll take the half. I guess I just don’t love the 10k distance much! Haha
I see that! lol!
Sad to hear about the ho hum of the first part of th course, but I guess they want you to get to Epcot! Can’t wait for Glass Slipper Challenge! Thanks for the recap.
No problem!
It was great to see you at this race! Loved your costume. I definitely prefer a 5K to a 10K if I’m racing. With 5K you can just gun it the whole time, whereas there’s a bit more pacing and strategy involved in a 10K. Plus, I’m a lot faster at the 5K!!
I’m torn. In a 5k I hate that vomit feeling I have the WHOLE race, but also glad it’s over faster haha
Great recap! I would love to do this next year. I must get my hands on that Minnie Mouse medal! 🙂
Karen @karenlovestorun
My first 10k was the Tinker Bell last week. I loved the distance (and the course)! With a 5k, I feel like as soon as you find your groove, it’s over! With a 10k, you feel challenged without feeling like you’re going to kill yourself.
I agree!
Congrats on completing the Dopey! I enjoyed your recap and the pictures are great. I have a question about your tail since I will also be dressing as Cheshire for the upcoming W&D half. Can you please tell me where you bought your tail and if it stayed put during your run. I don’t want mine shifting around my middle. Thanks so much and again I enjoyed your blog!!! Keep up the running!! 🙂
The tail drove me nuts if I’m being honest. I got it online from a party supply store it included the ears and tail but j can’t remember the name!