WOW! Registration for the runDisney Disneyland half marathon opened at noon yesterday and Dumbo sold out in under 45 minutes! (remember, Dumbo is the combination of the 10k and half marathon).
As of last night at 7:30 est, the Half marathon was at 99% full
the 10k was sold out
the 5k was at 92% full
and the kids races were sold out.
Unfortunately I will not be participating this year in the races (flying to California is expensive!) but I am so glad I got to experience the inaugural event with my husband.
The event weekend is again taking place over Labor day 2014. The 5k and 10k will be held on different days, as opposed to the same day like in 2013.
Expo hours:
2:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 28
10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. on Friday, August 29
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 30
Location: Disneyland® Hotel Exhibit Hall
-The Pasta in the park Party is at 89% full and will take place Saturday, August 30th from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Disneyland theme park.
(picture from 2013, ignore the hours).
This race also includes a new “Welcome Event” that you can pay to attend, (it is now sold out). It will be held on Thursday morning, early (5:30 am) at the California Adventure Park. The event costs $89.
The Welcome Event features:
- Official Welcome from runDisney
- Question and Answer Session and Dynamic Warm-up with Runner’s World Experts
- Official Welcome to California with a ride on Soarin’ Over California
- One (1) hour early entry into “Official runDisney Merchandise area” on Thursday, August 28, 2014
- runDisney bag which includes a runDisney tech shirt and a Runner’s World Magazine
***To sign up for any of the open events, be sure to visit
QOTD: Will you be going to Disneyland and running in any of these events? What are your thoughts on the new “Welcome Event?”

I would like to do this race someday but it is always the same weekend as RnR VA Beach and that is one of my favorite events (and it is Much closer to me than CA) so it just makes sense! Maybe one day though!
Meranda, I have been on the fence about doing the RnR in VA Beach, we just moved there, and now I will go for it! Thank you!
Its amazing to me how Disney’s hook on the running market is blowing up. I think its a great way for new runners to feel motivated to complete a challenge, although I wonder if I would get frustrated with all of the crowds.
It’s crazy! I know there are rumors about another race weekend at DL, but I wonder if that really is going to take some of the pressure off the other two weekends.
SO crazy how fast it sold out – totally did not expect that! I’m not doing it this year either since I did Tink the other week, but hopefully I can in 2015 or 2016!
I think it’s odd they are charging for the meet-up’s now, unless that “welcome event” is supposed to be something different…
Hi Heather! I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now–it has really inspired me and helped motivate me! Plus, I always love learning more about Disney :). I finally bit the bullet and started my own blog:, which combines my favorite things and has been so much fun to work on. Without Running With Sass and then Through Heather’s Looking Glass, I never would have known such a thing was possible.. so thank you!! And, to answer your question, I’ve only done races at Disney World and totally agree that getting out to the west coast is expensive, but I’m hoping that 2015 will be my year to try!
Guess it helps if I spell my own website name correctly! It’s :).
I am really hoping that this shows Disney that since they moved Tinkerbell, there should be a different race (non girly themed) the old Tinkerbell weekend. I ran Tinkerbell this year for the first time and it was AMAZING! I was on the fence about doing the Disneyland half, but since it is sold out I am good with waiting until 2015.
So crazy! Let’s plan to do it in 2015! 🙂
It’s crazy how fast these races are selling out now! One day I hope to make it to Disneyland!
I signed up for the Disneyland 10k. It will be my very first 10k! So glad I was able to get a spot before it sold out!
Not making it out to Disneyland this year, but definitely looking forward to Wine & Dine! 😀
I think that the Welcome Event is just a meetup that you pay for. It makes me sad, because (even though I’ve never been to one) the meet ups seemed like a very unique and rare event.
And did you notice the price increase of the races this year? It was a good $20-$30!
So, I got roped into running Dumbo again! My BF really wanted to do it, so, here we go again. I’m really excited, but definitely a little disappointed with the “welcome” event. I know runDisney is a business just like anything else (and, normally, I seem to be more than happy to give them all my money, haha), but for some reason, this feels like they might be going just a little bit overboard.
I’m looking forward to new race announcements (wish, wish) that will hopefully bring some new races to California. That will alleviate some of the heavy demand, I hope.
I am getting to do the Dumbo Double Dare officially this year! Last year, I did the races without the extra bling because I was surprised with how fast the Dumbo Double Dare sold out then. So, this year, I made sure to be ready right at 9am here on the West Coast and got in! I’ll also be getting my first Coast to Coast medal that weekend! Since it costs so much to fly from LA to Orlando, I don’t know when I’ll get back for another WDW runDisney race. Therefore, it was really important for me to at least get into the DL half this year and get that Coast to Coast medal.
By the way, I’m hoping that runDisney is able to hold another event at Disneyland in addition to Tink and the Disneyland Half. I would love to have more options. We need more runDisney races in California for us West Coasters who can’t afford to fly out to the East Coast every year. For now, I’m just really excited about getting to be an official DDD runner this year!
I was so surprised too!!! I can’t believe they are all sold out today! I will miss you there this summer!
I am in for Dumbo again, but I’m actually more excited that K is signed up for the kids race!
It is so mind boggling how fast these runDisney events sell out
Several friends and I all signed up for the 10k! This will be my first DL Half weekend and I really don’t think I could run 13.1 in the August heat. The 10k will be a fun test (who knows, maybe DDD in 2015?)
I haven’t figured out if the Welcome Event is a Runner’s World Event or a replacement for the free meetups (since they didn’t have one at Tink…) Time will tell.
I’ll be doing Dumbo for the second year. 🙂 I’m bummed you won’t be out here for it–I was hoping to finally get to meet you in person–but I totally understand why. It’s the same reason I haven’t done any WDW races yet.
I am stick not in physical shape to do it but my friend got in on the action. She runs even in the coldest weather so she is really ready. But watch out next year – I’ll be with her!