On Sunday, our church held an open to the community Easter Egg hunt for kinds K5 and under. Unfortunately, the weather was not great. It was about 48 degrees and SUPER windy. However, the show must go on, and we weren’t missing Emma Kate’s first egg hunt!
They had a bounce house and slide, face painting, popcorn, cotton candy, lemonade, and balloon animals as well as a professional photographer. They started with a little “show” and also to show off the brand new preschool playground that was just built.
They did a little story about the true meaning of Easter and sang a song, it was really cute. After that, it was time to get some eggs!
They had it organized really well. There were roped off areas for 4-5 year olds, 2-3 year olds, and baby-23 month olds (the babies were in the new playground area). It was hysterical to see all the other parents of kids Emma Kate’s age trying to take pictures and get them to put eggs in their baskets. The kids just stood there very very confused.
After showing Emma Kate what to do a few times, she finally got the hang of it and would put eggs in her basket.
Then she would get distracted by the grass, other kids, you name it.
I don’t know if you can tell, but in the below picture EK is saying “ooooo” because she just discovered she could open the eggs and that there was something inside! (Thankfully, she has no idea what candy is).
After a few minutes Emma Kate played on the playground and then we got in line for her picture.
Baby girl didn’t eat much at lunch so she was hungry and cranky so I gave her some popcorn. When I tried to take the bag from her for the photo, she FREAKED OUT, so I had to give it back. Not the best photo prop, but at least she’s not screaming.
Of course, as soon as we came home, all the eggs got dumped out all over my floor. I have a feeling this will happen all week long!
The Easter egg hunt was a success, and we had a lot of fun. A huge thanks to Broadmoor for putting it on!
QOTD: Did you/will go go to an Easter egg hunt this year?

How cute!! Looks like she a had a lot of fun! I always help at our church’s Easter egg hunt (it was on Saturday this past weekend) but I didn’t this year. Love her little Snow White outfit! So cute!
sadly she cant fit into it anymore, I almost couldn’t get it off of her after!
Aww you are one lucky mamma to have EK as a daughter. Is she as sweet as she looks? Love that pic off her saying “ooo”. Oh to see easter through the eyes of a child again! I hope you have a fabulous holiday!
HAha as sweet as she looks, depends on the day. 🙂 She is a handful! I know she won’t fully understand holidays just yet but it’s still a lot of fun!