Double digits! How in the world?!? I remember when a friend’s daughter turned 10, she is about 3-4 years older than Emma Kate. I distinctly remember thinking that ten was SO OLD. And here we are.
Emma Kate is in 4th grade, and weighs about 76 pounds. She is JUST shy of 5 feet tall, and I don’t remember the exact percentiles she is at, I want to say upper 90’s for height and mid 80’s for weight.
For her birthday this year she had a party at a local gymnastics place, and that weekend we took her to Dollywood with my parents.
She is still making all A’s and just tested at a 9th grade 6th month reading level. She LOVES to read and read the entire Chronicles of Narnia over the summer.
She wears a 12-14 in clothes and I just bought her her first size 7 shoes last week! She still wears a 6.5 in tennis shoes but now she’s almost my size!
She is still playing sports and we had our first spring of AAU last spring. She LOVED it and has a super great and sweet team. They got runner up at state, and won several other tournaments. She recently tried out for the school 5th grade team as a 4th grader and made it. She also played on the volleyball team for the first time. She was hesitant at first but ended up really liking it and she is good at it, too! It was fun to watch and I’m so proud of her for doing something new.
She went to two sleep away camps last summer, one with church, and also got walking pneumonia while Bobby and I were on a cruise of all places. We were gone most of the summer and she got to experience Universal Orlando for the first time. We also went to Disney World and on a Disney Cruise in early September as her big birthday gift. She also went to basketball camp where she won camper of the day and the 1 on 1 tournament for her grade level.
She still gets up relatively early, but I see that tween sleeping in slowly starting to creep in! On vacation she would sleep in and that was nice for everyone, ha!
She has become more of a daredevil, and will now ride any coast at Dollywood, even upside down ones. She loves it! I just watch of course. She will even go by herself. She is way more brave than me.
She now wants to play basketball in college and then in the WBNA when she grows up. She plays and watches as much as she can, and we love seeing her so passionate about a sport, especially one her mom played and coached!
We traveled a lot in her 9th year, to places like Universal, Disney, the beach, Gaylord Opryland, and more. We are hoping to add some new places to our list this next year.
We can’t believe how grown, beautiful, clever and kind our girl is and we are more proud each and every day. We are so blessed that God chose us to be her parents, and we truly got way more than we deserve with this one!
Related: Emma Kate: 9 years old

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