We now have a four and a half year old on our hands!
It just amazes me how fast time is flying. I saw pictures on Timehop from her 3.5 birthday cake and it seems like we were just making and eating it. Also didn’t we just celebrate her fourth birthday in Disney? A lot has changed in 6 months, as our family has been in a bit of an upheaval with moving schools and houses! There is more change coming as we are moving houses (from our rental) into one we are buying this weekend, and then this summer she will go to summer camp at a new school and then start there full time in the fall in the K4 class. We are excited!

I am not sure how tall she is or how much she weighs, but based on how her clothes and shoes fit she is definitely growing! We are in a size 12 shoe, and wear 5T and 6. She is head and shoulders above everyone in her class (she is in a K3 class because she misses the cutoff by 3 weeks in September.)

She says the funniest things, and I keep a note in my phone of her funny sayings so I can always look back on them. She is SUPER clever, way too smart for her own good, and I could tell you some stories! She uses really big words that I didn’t know she knew like “disrespectful” and despicable” and “neosporin” (we have a lot of boo boos in our house!)

Her mind is a steel trap and she forgets nothing. Last April when she went to the ER she got a purple popsicle and a Jasmine sticker and to this day remembers those details.

She never ever meets a stranger and talks to and hugs everyone, and I mean EVERYONE. So if you come up to us be prepared for a hug and to hear her entire life story. We say she is going to be a politician or a Walmart greeter when she grows up because she loves and chats with anyone, no matter how old, young, etc. She just loves people. There has been a huge learning curve for this mama who was the most shy child ever and never talked to anyone, especially not strangers. Meanwhile, Emma Kate was inviting the old ladies she met at a restaurant over for a sleepover.

Emma Kate hasn’t napped consistently since she was 3, and I can count on one hand the number of times she has napped in the last 6 months. Homegirl just does. not. get. tired. She goes to bed at 7:45/8:00 and sleeps until 6:15. Thankfully, our ok to wake alarm clock has worked well for her and she will get up and go into the living room on her own and play or play games etc. on her iPad.

Emma Kate loves her family, especially all the cousins that are here now that she gets to play with. She also loves her “sister” (Bella the dog) even though the feeling usually isn’t mutual. We let EK feed Bella and give her treats and Bella is coming around and does much better with her than she used to.

Emma Kate still loves princesses, wearing bows and dresses, and being a girly girl. However she can climb trees and play in the mud with the boys too.

She hates

She still loves food, and it’s a good bribery tool. She loves cupcakes and candy of course, and also fruit, ham, pork, cheese, fruit snacks, yogurt, larabars, mac and cheese, and more candy.

Some memorable moments from the past 6 months would be seeing “snow”, going on her first Disney cruise, moving to a new school, and getting her first bike.

We love our super sweet, smart, funny, Disney loving 4.5 year old, and can’t believe in 6 months she will be FIVE! She says she will take care of me when I am old and it seems like that is happening way quicker than I ever imagined!

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