On the 24th, we celebrated Emma Kate’s half birthday. With all the madness in our world right now with the virus, we decided to make it extra special and I even gave her a couple of small gifts to go along with her cake. I feel like we really need to celebrate every little thing right now, so why not? She had a blast.

I’m not sure how much she weighs, I’m guessing around 50 pounds. She is 47 inches tall (so close for Disney’s 48 inches!) She can still wear shirts in 5T, but pants that size are way too short, so most of her clothes are 6’s. She wears between a 13 and 13.5 shoe. She is going to be tall!

This kid is so smart, way too smart for her own good. It’s getting harder and harder to hide things from her, spell words in front of her to Bobby, or let her think something is a certain way…she just figures it out.

She still has zero stranger danger and makes friends with EVERYONE. We have to constantly tell her she can’t hug strangers or invite old ladies over to our house. She loves people though no matter who they are, and I love that about her. She is also a big ham and loves to be on stage. She has gotten to sing at church 3 times in the past 6 months and did great! She also sang at school for grandparents day.

She loves school, except for naptime. She is doing very well and learning a lot. I have gotten to attend several class parties and events like the hoedown back in October that were a lot of fun.

Speaking of fall, we had a great Halloween with tons of community events plus trick or treating in the neighborhood.

Emma Kate can now say all of the books of the New Testament as well as all of Psalm 23. She knows my phone number and our address. She has a great memory and we are super proud. She loves going to church on Sundays and also on Wednesday nights.

She is still our little traveler, and we made a second trip to the Smoky Mountains in the fall, and took Grammy and Papa along. It was SUCH a fun trip and we did so many fun things.

Emma Kate is still an early riser, waking up at 6:00 every morning, no matter what time she goes to bed. We do bedtime at 7:45 still, and she falls asleep fairly quickly since she doesn’t nap.

She is still obsessed with Bella, and Bella has gotten a lot better about being sweet to her, so that has been fun to watch.

EK still loves cheering for “who dat” and “Geaux Tigers” and we had a lot of fun when LSU won the National Championship. The kids were even allowed to dress up at school for game day. She met a boy she liked but she told him they could never get married because they don’t cheer for the same team. She cracks me up!

EK has still been taking ballet, but I don’t think we will do it again next year. I got to go watch her during observation day and it was cute. They are supposed to have a recital next month so we will see. She gets distracted and bored so easily.

She still loves to eat, eat, eat. She loves lunchables, chicken nuggets, fruit, candy, yogurt, applesauce pouches, chips, and surprisingly, pork chops. We have been going to Chick Fil A kids eat free night almost every week.

She has been such a big helper with several social media projects and can rock a photo shoot.

She lost her first tooth right before Christmas, and the one next to it a couple of weeks later!

She is fearless. Well, she may be afraid of things, but she’s so determined she does them anyway. I love it.

We had a great Thanksgiving and Christmas, and she saw Santa several times.

I am really enjoying this age and feel like we are in such a “sweet spot” right now and I want it to last longer! We love our bug, and can’t imagine life without this sweet and sassy girl. She makes everything more fun!

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