I have been writing these updates for Emma Kate since she was one month old. Then I changed them to every 6 months, and I can’t believe we here, at five years old.

Let’s start with the basic stats. Since we were just at the doctor for a scary allergic reaction rash/hives, I know she weighs 46.5 pounds and is 46.5 inches tall! Not many times in your life where you are the same height as you are weight, ha!
She wears a 5T or a 6 depending, and a size 12-13 shoe, depending. She is taller than everyone in her K4 class at school, too.

She cracks us up on a daily basis. Most recently, the other day she said “mom, sometimes I wear myself out I laugh so much!” She kills me. She is also way too smart for her own good, and thinks ahead of things that I don’t even think about! She is very good with cause and effect and makes decisions based on things that may happen on down the road, so she has some crazy foresight!

She is still fearless and talks to and hugs everyone. I mean everyone. She asks strangers questions and always speaks her mind (much to my dismay!) She also loves, I mean LOVES babies. She is always wanting to hold, pick up, and tickle anyone smaller than her, and she loves being a mother hen to everyone.

She loves her new school and has the sweetest teacher. She is learning a lot, and I think she will be reading in no time! Also, she made a HUGE decision on September 12th, she asked Jesus into her heart, and Bobby and I are so proud of her!

She has also started learning Bible verses and can say John 3:16, Phillipians 4:13, and a couple of others. It’s so fun to watch her memorize things and learn. She enjoys church on Sunday morning and Wednesday nights, and I love that she has friends in so many places.

She loves to go to new places, and this summer she got to go to Pigeon Forge and see mountains for the first time, and we also went to Gulf Shores for a quick beach trip. In April, we went on a family Disney trip that was a lot of fun, too.

We dropped nap last summer, but since switching to this new school, she naps a couple of days a week, which has made bedtime very difficult because she is just not sleepy, but we are working on it. We are also out of pull ups at night (girlfriend sleeps SO hard we were having trouble with nighttime) and she was so proud of herself. I told her if she could go 30 days with no nighttime accidents we would stop using them, and she did it!

She still wakes up a 6 no matter what time she goes to bed, and she still loves to play games and watch videos on the iPad. She is also into legos, still loves “cooking” in her kitchen, and as soon as the weather cools off I know we will be playing outside more and on her bike!

At Dollywood, we realized Emma Kate is a daredevil and loves rides and roller coasters. We had the best day watching her play, laugh, and ride.

She still loves her “sister” Bella, and I was just telling Bobby yesterday how Bella is getting so much better with Emma Kate as EK gets older. She feeds her and gives her treats and pets her very gently and talks sweet to her. It’s so cute!

Currently, Ek wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. She loves animals and apparently is obsessed with a bunny that is a recent addition to her classroom.

She is still a sore loser, loves to be in charge, and bosses everyone around. She has a sweet spirit though and doesn’t like it when people are mean to others. She asks so. many. questions. and wants to know everything and the way behind everything.

She started taking ballet and tap in August, and it’s so adorable seeing her in her little outfit. I can’t wait until we get to observe their class in November!

Emma Kate eats non stop. Her current favorites are yogurt, ice cream, popcorn, peaches, chicken nuggets, bacon, and apple juice.

I’m still in disbelief we have a five-year-old, it’s just going by way too fast. Bug, we love you big as the sky and know you will do great things this year! Happy Birthday!

Related: Emma Kate: 4 Years Old

[…] Related: Emma Kate: 5 Years old […]