Well, here we are again! Another 6 months has come and gone, and my baby is 6.5! Let’s take a look at what little miss thing has been up to.

Little miss has done lots of traveling over the past few months. We went to Florida in October, Tennessee in November, Florida in December, and Florida in March. She loves hotels, pools, and water slides. She is fearless and rode Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and Big Thunder Mountain for the first time, too!

She hasn’t had an official check up, but she weighs about 57 pounds, and I measured her last night, she is 50.5 inches tall! She wears a size 1-1.5 shoe, and in tops can still wear a 6, but in pants wears an 8 (and those were starting to get too short on her!) As of this weekend she has lost 6 teeth, too!

She is doing SO well in school. She is in the 99th percentile in the state for Kindergarten reading, and 96th percentile for math. We are so proud of her and how far she has come, especially with reading!

She has gotten into trouble several times at school and had to move her clip to yellow…every time it’s for excessive talking. Yall, I believe it. She starts talking the second she opens her eyes until she falls asleep at night!

In February we had a huge ice storm and school closed for a week. She had SO MUCH FUN using our boogie board to slide down hills with her friends. Dolly had a blast, too!

Emma Kate is still my early bird, up between 6-6:15 every day no matter what time she goes to sleep! (Bedtime is 7:45 still!) She even got to go to her first slumber party this month and was the first one awake!

She still loves animals and wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. Every time we are out and about and see a dog she has. to. pet. it. She loves playing with Dolly and they are so sweet together.

She is still super competitive, but has gotten much better about not being a sore looser when playing board games with us. However, we went to an Easter egg hunt this weekend and she was like a crazy person sprinting for those eggs!

We did tumbling through Christmas, and then started Upward basketball with the church, and she LOVED it! She did so well and scored points in all of her games.

As far as food goes, she is a creature of habit. She still loves yogurt, cheese, candy, pretzels and goldfish, chicken nuggets, and mac and cheese. She also loves broccoli. We still only let her drink water except for special occasions and loves a “cherry drink” AKA a Shirley temple.

She is super hard on herself and if she misbehaves, she tattles on herself because she can’t stand keeping anything from us (I hope this trend continues into the teen years..) She loves her family so much and still wants to hang out with us and her friends all the time instead of play with her toys.

We love you sweet creature, and love how much you love your family, friends, and God. We can’t wait to see what the next 6 months brings for you! <3

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