This one hurts yall. I loved five. Five was a lot of fun. Still a little baby who wants to sit in my lap and hold my hand, but old enough to get dressed on her own, brush her teeth, and carry on some pretty intellectual conversations. I have a feeling six will be different. She’s in kindergarten now, and I know my days of having my baby want to shadow me nonstop are short. Emma Kate is very much a sheltered sweet little girl (we have done our best to shelter her from a lot of mainstream stuff) and I just wish I could keep her innocence forever. <3 Ok, enough of the sad stuff, let’s move on to how much this girl has changed.

At her 6 year old checkup a couple of weeks ago, she weighed 52 pounds (83rd percentile) and was 48.25 inches tall (93rd percentile). She wears anywhere from a size 13-1.5 in shoes (moving to a big kid size hurt my heart, yall) and she can still fit in a few tops that are 5T, but is mainly moving from 6 to 7/8.
She is still very much a ham and thinks she is so funny. She says the craziest things and I try to remember to write them all down in a note on my phone with the date.

She had had to move her clip to yellow (bad) twice already this year at school for excessive talking. Homegirl must have gills because she starts the second she gets out of bed, and doesn’t stop until the lights are out (and even then sometimes she sings or talks to herself!)
Thanks to Bobby, Emma Kate knows about 10 different Bible passages, including the entire 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s prayer. It’s never too early for them to start memorizing scripture, friends! She also knows our address and my phone number. She is really good at math (does NOT get that from me!) and I can’t wait to see how she does in Kindergarten. She knows about 35-45ish site words and wants to read SO badly. I think if it wouldn’t have been for covid ending their school year 3 months early she would be farther along by now.

We haven’t traveled a lot this year due to covid, but right after she turned 5 last year we went to Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg, and then this summer we got to go to the beach twice.

Emma Kate is still an early riser, up between 6 and 6:15 every day, but thankfully we have instilled in her to not wake us up and she does a really good job of entertaining herself in the mornings until I get up.

Emma Kate learned to ride a bike without training wheels back during quarantine this spring, and she was SO excited to finally do it!

She still wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up and LOVES animals, especially dogs. She worked SO hard this spring/summer to “earn” a puppy, and now we have sweet Dolly in our lives.

Still super competitive, you have to watch her close when you play board games, she still cheats and wants to win all the time. She is a perfectionist and wants to be first and best at everything.

We stopped taking ballet at the end of the spring, it was a little too slow moving for her. She has been taking tumbling since August and has had a great time.

Emma Kate loves fruit, goldfish crackers, candy, mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, sonic slushies, and cake. She is always hungry, and I wish I had her metabolism! She lost her two bottom teeth right before Christmas, and her two top teeth this summer!

We love our sweet creature and can’t wait to see what this year brings! I know she is going to do great things no matter what path she takes.

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